Forest Fire

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Roxas had taken me to the forest behind my school, trying to throw Xyla off and make it more difficult to find us.

"I thought i had gotten there too late," he spoke darkly, trying to catch me up on our current situation.

"They'd found our base, and led an ambush to attack us while Xyla went after you. They wanted to be sure you were alone, and that i couldn't rescue you again like the time before."

His feet skidded to a stop, as he rested a hand against a tree, his gaze down to his feet once more.

"I failed, again..."

My entire body flushed in heat; anger.

"You act like it's your job to protect me!" I snapped, almost losing my balance in the process.

My entire body was pins and needles; full of cuts, bruises, and a few broken bones; the most intense pain i've felt in years. My limbs practically screamed in protest with every step and turn i made.

"It's my fault for losing my memories, for forgetting how to protect myself. You aren't responsible for me, you know!"

I planned on proceeding with my rant, but the swift turn of his head startled me. I could only see one of his ocean blue eyes, but his expression was sharply chiseled in annoyance.

"That was thanks to me." His voice flowed out flatly.

With an eyebrow arched in confusion, i turned my head to the side a tad, sending him a questioning glance.

He sighed deeply, turning his body to face me. His eyes closed, and he raised a hand to his face, pinching the skin between his eyes in frustration. Whether at me, or himself, i had no clue.

"I had made a deal with the Organization that if i returned to continue working for them voluntarily, that they'd allow you to be free; finally able to live a normal life. You obviously protested heavily, but i was stubborn, as usual, and made you promise me that you'd stay where they placed you and try your best to forget me and live normally."

By now, he had opened his eyes and was gazing a little past me, but he refused to look at me. A glint of a tear sparkled softly in his eye.

"They double-crossed me," he began again, his voice faltered a little, but only for a second.

"They kept me under a tight watch, making sure i couldn't leave and find you again. Just as reassurance, i had Namine and DIZ close off as many of your memories of the Organization as they could manage in that short time if my theory of the Organization going back on our deal was true... Of who you really are, your abilities and powers, of me..."

He paused, turning his back to me again, and rested his weight casually against the tree he was stood by.

"I had them place you in a town, with real people, to give you a chance at as much of a real life as possible. For you to experience family, school, friends, social status. For you to make your own place in this world, not what had been pre-destined for you by your Somebody, and by the Organization."

At that, he stood back up straight, and slowly began walking off into the forest again.

"I'm the reason for all of your suffering."

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