Bad Luck or Destiny?

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"Look at you."

Stopping dead in my tracks, i swiveled around towards where the voice had come from, my gaze settling on a tall, skinny man with spiked, red hair.

"Not a care in the world. You weren't always this careless..." His voice rose, almost as if he was sarcastically lecturing me.

"I know you..." Squinting, i studied him.

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow, as well as his hand, deeply interested now.
I growled under my breath.

"Not who you are. But, i recognize you. You were the figure creeping outside my house the other night, weren't you?" With all the weird occurrences of these figures in long black coats lately, and all the strange dreams i've been getting, the frustration of not knowing what was going on anymore made me want to dislocate someone's jaw.

"Ouch," His hand lifted to his heart, clutching the fabric of his black jacket between his fingers as he dramatically contorted his features into a fake-ly pained expression.

"Creeping? That's a harsh word, blonde-y. I'd prefer calling it... Checking up on you." As his hand returned back down by his hip, his facial expression defaulted back to that sly, know-it-all look.

"Regardless, what do you and that girl want from me?" Glaring harshly back at him, i felt my fists involuntarily clench by my sides.

"You mean me?"

The girl appeared by his side in a portal of black, wispy shadows. As it disappeared, she stepped a bit forward, a black hood covering her face, so all that was visible was the bottom half of her face.

"Why did i figure you wouldn't be far behind?" I attempted to keep my cool, now realizing that i was heavily out-matched. Before, i was almost positive that i wouldn't have been able to take on the red-head by myself, and now i KNEW i was about to be toast if i didn't play my cards right. Shifting my weight onto one foot, i casually rested the corresponding hand onto my hip, relaxing my muscles.

"Lucky guess," she shrugged. "But your luck's about to run out."

A Keyblade materialized in her hand in a bright flash of light, her body settling into a fighting stance.

//oh shit.//

"She's right," the man chimed in, throwing a hand in the air. "it's time to come home, Xena."

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