Paradise Falls

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"What do you think's going on?" Xena managed to speak up after a minute, her brain was clouded with so many different possibilities, but mainly centered around one.

"There's only one set of people who are dumb enough to attack us head on," Roxas answered sternly as he pulled Xena along behind the others. He had refused to let go of her hand since the initial explosion, and Xena was quite alright with that.

The group had quickly gathered their keyblades and equipment and headed to the front entrance of the facility, while the other keyblade masters and trainee's followed suit as quickly as they could.

As they came to a stop at the entrance, the area was cluttered with debris, and a ton of unwanted visitors amongst some of the other keyblade wielders who had made it here first.

"Nobodies..." The word slipped off Xena's lips like poison, making Roxas actually flinch as she spoke it.

The white, creepy little beings had flooded the place.

"Let's go!" The King ordered as he dove head on into the crowd, destroying multiple of them with just his first swing.

Sora and Riku followed immediately behind him, determination extremely visible across their features.

Terra slammed his keyblade heavily into the ground, making a giant boulder surface and pave everyone else a good-sized path into the fray.

"Stay by me," Roxas whispered as he squeezed her hand before letting go and taking hold of his keyblade.

Xena hated the fact that he wanted to continue protecting her, yet again, but she also remembered who the Nobodies were here for; her and Roxas.

"We've made this into Xyla's own private game," He spoke to her as he took out 3 of them with just one attack.

"Initially she wanted to bring us both in, but we made such a huge point of protecting you, that now she's formed her own personal vendetta against you. It works in our favor in a way." Roxas continued to explain as he shot off 6 blades of light into the group of Nobodies that had surrounded Riku and Sora, effectively eliminating enough of them for the two to retreat to a more open area.

"Since they came to us, it saves us the trouble of hunting them down, and we can finally put an end to this."

Xena and Roxas were standing pretty much back-to-back, just with a few feet between them, but consecutively protecting each other's blind spots.

"Hey, wanna let me try out our secret weapon?" She asked as a devilish grin spread across her lips.

Roxas glanced back at her just in time to see it, and he bit his lip in response.

"How can i say no when you make that face at me?" He smirked slyly back as a regular Kingdom Key formed in his other hand. As he easily threw his Oblivion keyblade over to her, he switch the Kingdom Key to his primary hand, and then grasped it with both, while Xena stood with her legs spread a little farther apart, now duel-wielding both the Oathkeeper and Oblivion keyblades, Oathkeeper being her default key.

She held the one in her left hand backwards, reaching her arm across her stomach and out behind her, and held the one in her right behind her but down across her back, exactly like Sora's Valor form.

"Raise hell." Roxas sent her a wink as he threw out a few balls of light at the Nobodies that were attempting to attack Aqua and Ventus' from behind.

"Gladly." Xena let out a slightly psychotic giggle as she lunged into a whole group of them that stood between her and Sora, easily slicing through the Nobodies with spins of her entire body and precise twirls of the keyblades themselves, practically cutting through them like a warm knife to butter.

Her movements have somehow gotten even more fluent than before...

Roxas took a quick second to observe his lover's moves and finesse before getting back to burning more Nobodies to a crisp with blades of pure light.

"Thanks again!" Xena announced as she did a flip over Sora's head, bringing both keyblades down straight to the ground behind as she fell back down from the air, effortlessly crushing 4 more of the slippery and flappy white beings into dust.

"You almost do that better than i do!" Sora flashed her one of his infamous goofy smiles, ecstatic that all the training and time they had put into teaching her his Valor form's battle stance. It may look simple to some, but honestly holding giant keys like that and actually bring able to use them effectively was astonishing, and he was pleased that his technique was able to be copied by others considering it greatly increased their chances of winning big battles when more people could use it like that.

"I told you to stay by my side." The familiar, slight growl reached Xena's ears, and she smiled sweetly up at her lover's face.

"Heyyyy, i got this." She replied as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she resumed her position back to back with Roxas.

"I know you do, gorgeous. I just want you to be as safe as possible." He responded as he swung his keyblade down over his head.

Before they knew it, the room became empty, and an eerie silence flowed across the dusty air.

"Did we... Do it?" Sora's voice pierced the quiet as everyone stood, looking around the wide open room that was once their elegant lobby and entrance to their home and training grounds.

"For now, at least." The King answered, and everyone visibly relaxed out of their battle stances, some of them rubbing their sore muscles while other sighed in relief.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Roxas pipped up as his gaze was focused on the huge door leading to the courtyard outside, which was considerably smaller than the courtyard in the back where everyone trained.

"I don't think they'd make that grand of an entrance with only a few lousy Dusks."

Just as Roxas finished his sentence, the door to outside burst opened, and more Nobodies flooded inside, but came to a stop a few feet away, all lining up as they faced the keyblade wielders.

It took a minute for the dust to settle, and once it did, everyone was already stood in their battle positions, ready to take on the next wave.

"Let's take this outside, shall we?"

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