My Fears, My Lies

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I could hear the rain pounding against the school's metal roof. Thunder shook the windows.

It being Friday, i had to stay after school to finish an exam that i hadn't been able to focus on the day before.

Not like the sounds of the storm raging on outside was being any less distracting than my clouded thoughts had been this entire past week.

I could barley focus on anything; basic functions like walking, eating and sleeping were proving to be too much for my mind and body to handle without faltering, quite a bit at that.

Forming sentences longer than 4 words was pretty much impossible. I was lucky if i was even able to fall asleep at night anymore. Remembering to eat became a chore, when it used to be one of the things i was a pro at.

At this point, i resulted to just x-ing off the obvious wrong answers on the exam, and making a generalized guess when it came to the other three possible choices. It was impossible to read the question and even keep it in my mind long enough to register what it was asking, let alone actually finding the correct answer to it.

Frustrated, i placed my pencil down and rested my face in my hands; my elbows on the desk. I rubbed harshly against my forehead, an intense migraine beginning to form between my eyes.

After a moment, i glanced up at the clock, trying to figure out how much time i had left.

Wait, that can't be right...

The teacher had stepped out for a bit, but according to the clock, that bit had been over an hour and a half ago.

I scanned the room, getting to my feet. Staggering, i meandered over to the window, and wiped away some of the condensation.

The whole parking lot is empty!

Hayes was supposed to be waiting for me to finish my test so i had a way of getting home, since i had no car.

Frowning in confusion, i dug a hand into the pocket of my jeans, searching for my phone. I proceeded to send Hayes a text when a crack of thunder shook the whole building.

I yipped, scared by the sudden noise. My life was already weird enough, and now this. Shakily, i put my phone back in my pocket, and headed for the door. I could at least have a quick look around, find some people and put myself at ease, right?

The sound of the door shutting behind me echoed against the hard walls, as my anxiety began to rise more and more.

Taking a deep sigh, i put one foot in front of the other as i moved cautiously down the hall.

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