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I knew that voice all too well.

Exhaling deeply, i slowly turned my head to look behind me, my gaze settling on Xyla.

"Your obsession with me is beginning to get out of hand."

Her hood was down, revealing her face. Bleach blonde hair framed her face in a messy bun, strands left out at each side.

"Cute. Actually, i'm here to exterminate you. You've proven to be more trouble than you're worth, and the Organization doesn't tolerate pests." Xyla's gray eyes flickered as her lip curled up into a surprisingly intimidating psychotic smirk.

"You still don't remember anything, do you?" Her tone was mocking, as she gazed triumphantly at me.

"Nothing at all, hm? Nothing about how more than half of what's inside that naive head of your's is false? Planted memories to keep you hidden from your purpose? Dormant?"
She continued, smirking evilly at me.

My brain was flooded with so many thoughts that it was impossible to focus. I nearly survived my last run in with her and her red-headed counter-part, and i was sure i still wouldn't fair well against even just one of them singly. Especially Xyla, would seemed to crave my death with every ounce of her being.

"What about your precious blonde boy toy? You forgot him too, didn't you? I guess he never was that important to you to begin with then. How about how you were actually one of us? Or how you were one of the most powerful Nobodies until you decided to defect, and those foolish goody-two shoes 'heros' made a fake life for you? Took everything you held dear from you and filled your head with lies. You've always wondered why you always felt so out of place, like this world wasn't truly your's, right?" A laugh escaped her lips.

A searing pain flooded my brain, little flashes of visions; my actual memories.
I felt the wall that formed a protective barrier in my mind begin to finally start to crumble, and the past was revealed to me. Finally, all the faces had names, all the moves, techniques, and powers were explained. All the questions were parallel with their answers again.

The pain was so intense that it brought me to my knees on the grass, my hands cradling the sides of my head.

"Ahhhhh- there we are! That's really all it took to break you? I don't get how they kept you hidden from us for so long and all it took was that? You're so fragile, little Xena. It was about time the precious little queen got knocked off her thrown!"

Her keyblade materialized her in hand in a flash of light as my mind still raced with memories and flash-backs.

I'm not going to survive this.

My eyes were glued to the keyblade; what was to end my life.

No one's here to save me this time.

Xyla began slowly waltzing towards me, her body stiff with determination.

I'm not strong enough...

Her arm raised, and quickly came crashing down towards me.


A searing pain developed on the left side of my ribcage as my body slammed into the grassy ground.

Right, fire. I forgot any skilled keyblade wielder could control the elements.

I clenched my jaw in pain as i could feel my flesh violently sizzling.
Getting a quick glance at her eyes as she strode over to where i was crumbled up on the ground, i could practically see how badly she craved to end my existence; how she was almost doing the world a favor.

Silently, i pulled myself to my feet, my eyes locked on my shoes.

Her keyblade struck again, this time into my forearm.


Even though she hadn't added an element to her blow this time, the pain was still excruciating, and i'd be thoroughly surprising if she hadn't just broken my arm.

A slash across my stomach, and i felt the hot liquid begin to leak out of the wound.


Another slash, this time from the opposite way, forming an X across my stomach.


A smack into my shoulder, my skin frost-bitten by ice.


Her fist collided into my back, a jolt of electricity snaking down my spine.


I fell to my knees.

A hit.


And another.

And another.

My body collapsed to the ground.

... Powerless.

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