Fifty four

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Cassie walked down the busy hallway of the school trying not to bump into anyone along the way. She glared at every person who bumped into her without an apology.

"Cassie." A voice yelled from behind her. She turned her head to see Matt jogging towards her. "Matt." She said slightly confused to why he was talking to her.

The two were never really friends. Cassie wasn't a huge fan of him. Maybe it was just because at the beginning of Caroline and Matts relationship, he didn't treat her very well.

"Have you heard from Tyler?" He asked slowing down to walk at the same pace as her. "Not at all. You?" Cassie replied. She hadn't seen him since the Grill the morning after everything happened with the werewolves .

"Not since he stopped by to talk. I've left messages on his cellphone." Matt said shaking his head sounding disappointed.  "He stopped by to see you. What did he say?" Even though Cassie wasn't happy with him it didn't mean she didn't care about him.

"Not much really. I think to say goodbye without really saying goodbye. And I just didn't know it." Matt answered. "Is that it?" Cassie asked desperate for more information on her friend.

"Yeah. That's all he said." Matt nodded not sounding happy about the conversation with Tyler. "Listen, I also need to ask you something about Caroline." Matt said.

"Okay." Cassie frowned slightly nervous about what he was going to ask. "Caroline, is there someone else besides me? Another guy?" Matt asked now sounding nervous.

"Caroline doesn't like Tyler." Cassie assumed that was who Matt meant. "I know. I know Tyler likes you . I mean, any other guy." Cassie felt sorry for Matt when she saw the sad look in his eyes.

"No, Caroline hasn't mentioned anything." Cassie shrugged. She knew that Caroline only had eyes for Matt. But Matt never saw that. Cassie put that in her list of reasons why she didn't like the relationship. Matt never trusted Caroline.

"Really? Or are you just saying that because your her friend?" Matt said stopping in the middle of the hall. "Matt, listen. Your relationship is never going to work out if you don't trust Caroline." She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Just ask her yourself." Cassie suggested before rushing off so she could get to class before the bell rang.

Cassie sat in history hunched over her test.
The test, she had unfortunately forgotten about.

Ever since she had become a vampire, it had become more difficult to concentrate on school. And the possibility of dying added onto all of that stress.
Luckily she knew enough about the subject to get at least a B .

She ran a hand through her previously tidy hair. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. She opened her eyes when she felt a warm substance trickle down from her nose.

Before she could wipe her face a small red drop fell off her chin and landed on her page.
She wiped her face with her sleeve before she looked down at her test.

She felt I'll looking at the red stain that had landed on the front page of her test. She looked up and around to see the time.

The bell was going to ring in less than a minute. She couldn't do anything. She couldn't whisper a spell that would make the blood disappear.

Then the bell rang.

Cassie slowly stood up with her test in hand. The rest of the class were rushing out to avoid the hallway traffic , dropping their tests on Alaric's desk and muttering a thanks.

"Thank you." Cassie mumbled dropping her test on the table. Alaric's eyes happened the flick down at the pile at that very moment.

And he caught sight of the blood right beside Cassie's name.

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