Forty nine

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"I was right once again." Cassie tried not to grin as Damon told her the ness that Elijah was still alive. "Yeah, congratulations." Damon says sarcastically.

"You sure you wanna look after Tyler tonight?" Damon asked. He had called her and filled her in on everything that had happened last night while she helped Tyler.

"Yeah. You're on Elena patrol. Bonnies on Moonstone duty." Cassie said. "I'll be useful for once." Cassie said doing her makeup as she spoke to Damon.

"He could kill you." He reminded her again as if she hadn't already thought that. "I'll be fine." Cassie said quickly glancing at the time. "Listen I have to go to the Grill like now."

"Call if something happens." Damon told her before she pressed the hang up button and threw her phone and Keys in her bag along with the rest of her stuff.

So, she got ready for the interesting day that was about to happen and cycled to the Grill. She was super early so she began doing school work while she waited.

She tried to study but she was so distracted. She couldn't focus on any of her work no matter how hard she tried. She could only think of three people.

One was Tyler, she was scared about what was going to happen tonight. Two, was Elijah, who she had found out this morning was still alive. And lastly was their biggest threat, Klaus.

Cassie didn't know how powerful he was but Rose told them that klaus was even more dangerous than Elijah. That probably meant even more powerful.
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"Hey." Tyler's voice said bringing Cassies attention to him. "Hey, everything okay?" She noticed the nervous look on his face right away.
She quickly glanced over at Alaric as discreetly as possible to see if he was listening in.

He leant down so no one nearby could hear their conversation. "This girl Mason knows stopped by the house. She said he never made it back to Florida." Cassie tried to act unfazed by the name as it left Tyler's mouth.

"My mom's freaking out, and she was on the phone with Caroline's mom when I left. Uh..." Tyler paused noticing a familiar face nearby. "We should go."

"Yeah." Cassie nodded throwing everything back in her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. She looked to her right to see Alaric sitting at a table alone nearby to where she sat.

She made eye contact with him for less than a second. He send her a discreet nod as she passed before she jogged over to catch up with Tyler who was speeding out of the grill .

They went to the woods in Tyler's car since Cassie still couldn't drive and didn't have a car yet. Her bike was left locked up by the grill for now.

It was s silent car ride. Cassie tried to look ahead at all times but ended up glancing over at Tyler every 30 seconds. She could tell he was just as stressed as she was.

And he was probably terrified. After watching those videos and seeing the many hours of pain Mason had a went through during the full moon he should be scared.

And then there was the Mason problem. Cassie had to pretend she knew nothing and that she believed he was just off for a short field trip.

"Maybe he went off surfing. Mason does that." Cassie said trying to help Tyler feel better. "Maybe. The girl seemed to think he would've called." Tyler said taking the equipment for tonight out of the boot of the car.

"I'm sure he's okay." Cassie lied stepping out of the car and walking over to stand next to him. "Yeah,anyway. Let's do this." Tyler said with a short sigh.

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