Fifty three

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"Hi Andie." Cassie greeted with a smile as she passed the older woman in the hall. "Hello." A bright smile appeared on the woman's face. Cassie was passing Damon's room when she saw the woman walk out.

She had woken up about an hour ago but still felt exhausted. "Are you coming to the grill with Damon and I?" She asked stopping to talk to her. "Yeah, probably." Cassie nodded.

She actually hadn't heard a thing about it until now . But Cassie didn't want to just sit around all day long. She didn't care if Damon said no, she would follow them anyway.

"Great." Andie gave her another smile before walking on. Cassie sighed feeling sorry for the woman. She seemed like a good person. Of course, Damon had to choose someone as kind as her to use as a blood bag.

"Why are we going to the grill?" She asked Damon leaning against his door frame. "You mean I. You didn't get an invitation Blondie." Damon pointed out glaring at her.

"That is where you're wrong." Cassie said with a smirk. "Andie invited me." Technically that was a lie. Andie only told her about it. In Cassie's mind that was another way to invite her.

Cassie sat next to Alaric across from Damon and Andie in the Grill. "Other than your lecture on Mystic Falls, get anything out of Elijah?" Damon asked about Alaric's meeting with Jenna and Elijah that morning.

Jenna hadn't arrived yet and Andie wasn't able to repeat any of Damon's secrets. "No, it was boring." Alaric said disappointed. "Of course Jenna thinks he's charming." Alaric added on after a loud sigh.

"Who wouldn't." Cassie said agreeing with Jenna on that. Alaric looked down to glare at her. "Cassie do you smell that?" Damon asked the younger girl with a smirk.

"Yeah, smells a bit like jealousy." Cassie spoke in a sing song voice. "You sound jealous." Damon said noticing the annoyed tone in Alaric's voice. "He sounds jealous?" He asked Andie.

"Kind of do." Andie agreed nodding with a small smile . "Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here." Alaric moved his eyes away from Damon to look over at Andie.

"Andie? She's been compelled not to divulge my secrets, haven't you?" Damon said moved his arm around her shoulders and turning his head ti kiss her. "Mhm." Andie said. "My lips are sealed."

Alaric and Cassie stared at them with disgusted looks on their faces. "This is too weird." Alaric said exactly what Cassie was thinking. "Yes. Please stop." Cassie said moving her gaze towards the floor instead.

"I just need the right opportunity." Damon muttered turning to face forward again. He raised his eyebrows when he saw two people enter the Grill together.

"Look, there's Jenna and her new boyfriend." Damon pointed out trying to irritate his friend. Cassie rolled her eyes and kicked Damon's leg under the table.

"Be nice." She hissed before looking over with a smile on her face. "Hi." Damon said to get their attention. "Hey guys." Jenna said walking over to the group's table with Elijah following.

Cassie could tell the smile on Elijah's face was fake. "Hi." Alaric and Cassie greeted. "I heard you two had, uh quite a meeting of historical minds." Damon said raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Jenna said looking over at Elijah and then back at the group. "Well, as much as I'd like to continue this, I got papers to grade." Alaric said wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"You know, we should continue this. Let's have a dinner party." Andie suggested to the group. "Oh, my girl. Full of good ideas." Damon said making Andie smile even more. "I'll be happy to host." He offered.

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