chapter thirty nine

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Cassie walked over to Stefan and Jeremy who was holding a small bottle of liquid. "Hi." Cassie said walking up to the two.

She was still extremely confused about what happened last night. She couldn't even control where she was going until she stopped outside Caroline's hospital door.

"You're late." Jeremy told her. "I am? But it's only-" Cassie began looking at her watch. "12." Cassie read confused. "You okay?" Stefan asked her seeing her facial expression.

"Yeah. My heads just a little jumbled up this morning." Cassie smiled to hide her confusion. "Hello Elena." Stefan put an arm around his girlfriend as she walked up next to him.

"Hey, um, Jeremy." Elena began trying to get to the point quickly. "Yeah, yeah. I set up the goldfish toss. All 300 goldfish. It's going to be epic." Jeremy already knew that was what Elena was about to ask. He shut his locker before walking off.

Elena sighed and leaned against the locker behind her. "He's going to be alright. He's just been through a bit of an ordeal. " Stefan immediately comforted. "I was hoping that this carnival would lead him back into the land of highschool teenager. "

"Oh is that what we're doing here." Stefan raised his eyebrows. "Yes,
We all are. We're going to be boring highschool students in a world where the V word is not uttered." Elena said.
"Got it." Stefan nodded.

"Hey Cass, you okay? " Elena noticed her silent friend. "What's going on with Jeremy?" Cassie asked the two. "Cassie, I texted you about this." Elena said.

Cassie took out her phone to see a text from last night from Elena. "Sorry, my phone died." Cassie lied before putting her phone away. Why was she lying? They were her friends.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Cassie excused herself before rushing down the hall. "There's something wrong." Elena noticed the anxious look on Cassie's face the entire conversation.

"She was late. She doesn't like being late to these events." Elena said to Stefan. "She said, her head was jumbled up." Stefan replied.

Cassie stood in front of the mirror. She went to the bathroom on the separate side of the school, where no one ever went. She felt her hands shaking.

"Hey Cass. You okay?" Herbestfriends voice said from behind her. "I feel like I'm going crazy." Cassie told her with tears in her eyes.

Elena immediately wrapped her arms around her friend. "It's okay. It's okay Ma-" She paused and realized what she had just done. "Katherine." She heard Cassie whispering.

"I knew you'd be hard to trick." Katherine sighed stepping away from her. "What do you want?" Cassie snapped. "To help you." Katherine replied.

"Excuse me?" Cassie assumed she just heard her wrong for a moment. "I want to help you." Katherine repeated slower. "Why would you want to help me?" Cassie asked genuinely confused.

"You're weak right now. You don't know how powerful you are." Katherine said walking a circle around her before standing right in front of her.

"Come on Cass. You know you need help from someone. Why not help from a 500 year old." Katherine said trying to persuade her. She looked in Cassie's eyes and smiled.

She could tell the blonde was thinking about it. She didn't say no straight away. "You remind me of Mary Beth." Katherine sighed. "Young, clueless, gorgeous. " She listed.

"You need me." Katherine whispered in her ear. And then she was gone. Cassie could no longer feel the girls hand on her shoulder . She had sped off.

Then Cassie thought about it. She wanted to say yes. She wanted Katherine to help her.

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