Chapter thirty eight

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"Elena calm down. I'm nearly there." Cassie was on her way to Elena's after a very panicked phone call. "John. He got stabbed and someone was in the house. And Jeremy. I don't even know." Elena stuttered hyperventilating.

"I'm outside now." Cassie watched as a body was carried out of the Gilbert house in a stretcher. "Stefan." Cassie called seeing him at the door about to walk in.

"He's okay." Elena nodded to the guard who had tried to stop Cassie and Stefan from walking inside. The guard removed his hand from Stefan's chest and stood back again.

"What happened?" Stefan asked as they ran upstairs. "He said Anna gave him her blood and then he took these pills. And now, he looks fine, but then again so do you. And I don't know." Elena told them as they walked up into Jeremy's room.

Jeremy sat on the bed staring into space with a frown on his face looking disappointed. "Come here,Look at me." Cassie spoke to the boy calmly as she grabbed his chin.

"I'm fine. I feel exactly the same." Jeremy tried to push her off but she was way stronger than him. "Should I call a paramedic? What should I do?" Elena panicked playing with her hands stressfully.

Cassie waited for something. There wasn't any whisper. Meaning he was definitely not a vampire. He wasfully alive. "No, he's good." Cassie replied.

"You mean, I'm not a vampire." Jeremy said sadly. "Damn it." He sighed looking down. "Don't say that Jeremy. Here, why would you want that?" Elena asked him hearing the whisper.

"Did you hear about Anna? What happened to her tonight? She's dead" Jeremy snapped. Cassie looked down at the ground . She felt... Guilt. She had somehow seen what was going to happen and she didn't do anything. She didn't tell Anna to run. She let it happen.

There was a short moment of silence. "Jeremy, Jeremy , come here. Sit down." Stefan grabbed onto Jeremy and pushed him down to sit on the bed. "I'm very sorry about Anna. But it's very important to listen to me." Cassie tried not to roll her eyes at Stefan's tone. He could at least try to be a bit sympathetic.

"Anna's blood is passing through your system right now. If you try to kill yourself, you could really die." Tears began to form in Jeremy's eyes as Stefan spoke to him. "Hey , do you understand me?" Stefan slapped him . "Stefan." Elena said.

"Yes, I understand." Jeremy finally spoke making Stefan step back. "What about the pills he took?" Elena asked her boyfriend. "He didn't take enough to die. Anna's blood healed him. " Stefan said.

There was a knock on the bedroom door. "Miss Gilbert." A policeman said. "I'll be out in a minute." She said to him. He nodded and walked back into the hallway.

"You need to be at the hospital." Stefan said. "But-" Elena began. "Me and Cassie will stay with Jeremy." Stefan interrupted her. "I don't need a babysitter." Jeremy scoffed. "Yes, you do."

"You could've tried to be a bit sympathetic Stefan." Cassie sat down on the edge of the bed next to Jeremy. Stefan walked back and forward as the younger boy slept.

"I was telling him not to die. There's not a nice way to say that." Stefan mumbled. "His girlfriend died Stefan. He was upset and you snapping at him didn't help." Cassie glared at Stefan. There was silence.

There was a loud click from downstairs as the door was opened and shut again. "Go down. It's probably Elena." Cassie said looking away from him. Stefan nodded and left the room.

Cassie heard bangs from downstairs. There was loud thumps against the walls and some talking. "At least I fooled one of you." It sounded almost like Elena but at the same time it didn't.

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