forty two

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Mason, Alaric and Jenna stood in one room. In the Gilbert houses taking shots. "I have no secrets." Jenna said . "Only dirty shame." She finished raising the shot glass into the air.

"To dirty shame." Alaric said raising his glass as well. The clinked their glasses together before drinking from the small glass.

"Where's Cassie?" Alaric asked once he was finished. "She's coming in a while." Jenna told him. "She's in the library studying." Jenna said what Cassie had told Elena a few hours ago.

Cassie was in the library. She just wasn't studying what Jenna had assumed she was.

The small writing on the ages paper was difficult to read. The few pictures were even harder to make out. She had multiple books in front of her in two piles.

One she had gone through. The other she had yet to flick through.

She was looking for information on Mytsic Falls history on werewolves or anything related to werewolves . All she had found was very unbelievable tales that including people being turned by a vampire bite, vampires living in coffins and allergic to garlic.

An old lady she had never seen before walked up and dropped a heavy book on the table. "This might have what your looking for, my dear." She said in a croaky voice.

Cassie looked down at the book. No title, no author. No information about the contents of the book.

When she looked up to look at the lady, she realised she was alone again. It was just her sitting at the large table.

She pulled the book towards her and flicked through the pages until she stopped on something that could possibly be an answer. Not to werewolves.

The mystery girl...

When she was born her parents called her unique. They persuaded everyone that she would change the world. They would support her. Even if it wasn't a positive impact that she had made.

They supported her even as she burnt her town down. They just carried on. That was until she buried them alive.

Everywhere she went, she left a path of destruction behind her.

No one could stop her. Witches tried. They tried to burn her, drown her , anything that they could.

But she could take over whatever spells they casted upon her. If they used fire, she would be able to take over and then it would just backfire.

Some assume she's some kind of demon. Others call her a dark Angel.
She was never really given a name since she was the only one of her kind.

There was only one of her. That's how we hoped it would say once she was gone.

Once she died many had tried to forget about her and at some stage I suppose she will be forgotten about. And I hope that

Her dying words told us different.
' this isn't the end.'

Then I knew. Whatever she is. Was. Is bound to come back at some stage.

Cassie shut the book closed. Maybe that was enough studying for the day.

As Cassie walked home all she could think about was that story. Maybe she was just like the girl. A danger to everyone around her.

For once, She was suddenly grateful that her parents were dead so she didn't end up burying them alive. She didn't really feel grateful about stuff like that very often.

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