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Cassie hadn't went home in a two days

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Cassie hadn't went home in a two days. After spending one night at Stefan's and another night at Caroline's she hadn't went home yet. She didn't ever want to go home but she knew she had to at some point. She had to face the music. Even if it was like screaming cats. "Hey Care I'm going to go home." Cassie gave her a sad smile walking into the living room where Caroline was sitting. "Are you sure?" She asked standing up. Cassie felt bad at how much the girl cared. She didn't tell her the full truth she just told her she got into an argument and nothing else. "Yeah I'm sure." She nodded. "Thank you for having me and tell your mom I said thank you." She said politely. "Ok be safe." Caroline wrapped her arms around the other blonde pulling her into a hug.


"I'm home." Cassie yelled slamming the door of the house she hated. She waited by the door getting ready to be yelled at. But no one came out. "Hello." Now this was strange at least on of her foster parents were home at all times. She walked into the sitting room searching for the two adults. After opening all of the doors on the ground floor she walked over to the stairs . She saw a thick red substance on the top step. She thought nothing of it. "Just red wine." She breathed out. She opened the door to her room . Even though she hated them looking through her stuff. She was wising that they were sitting on her bed looking through her closet .

The room was empty. The only room left was there room. It was right across from hers . She took a few steps forward before stopping Infront of the dark wooden door. She took a deep breath in wrapping her hand around the cold metal doorknob pushing the door open.

Cassie expected to see her foster parents lying down in their large bed not to see them both lying on the ground . Their faces were pale,blood was dripping down from their pale necks from what looked like a bite mark. Both of their eyes were empty. Cassie bent down to feel the adults pulse hoping to find it.

Nothing. Not even the faintest. A tear fell down from her face as she stared at the two dead bodies in front of her.

She was alone in this house with two dead bodies in front of her . She thought back to the night of her parents death.

"Mom, dad wake up." Cassie shoe them multiple times trying to get even the faintest reaction from the cold bodies. She was waiting for her mother to tell her to grow up and wipe her tears.

Cassie's breathing grew faster as she picked up her phone dialing a number. She held the phone up to her ear waiting for someone to pick up.

"Hello. This is sheriff Forbes speaking.How may I help you?" A voice said. "Miss Forbes." Cassie's voice came out squeaky. "Cassie?" The sheriff asked realizing it was the girls voice. "Something happened to my foster parents and.. " Cassie spoke fast trying to hold in a sob. "I think they are dead." Cassie sobbed. "Cassie honey I'm gonna come over you just need to stay where you are ok?" Liz told the girl . "I'll bring Caroline too ok." Cassie managed to whisper a yes in between her sobs. "You are gonna be okay Cassie." The sheriff reassured her. Cassie heard her get into the car with another person. "They aren't ." Cassie stared at the two bodies. The sheriff couldn't hear her over her daughter urging her to hurry up.


Moments later Cassie heard her door being opened. "CASSIE." A voice yelled. "UP HERE." Cassie managed to yell . She heard two pairs of feet running up the stairs. Caroline burst open the door to see the girl sitting on the floor. "Cassie." She breathed out . She put a hand over her mouth seeing the two bodies Cassie sat next to. Caroline's mother came in after her daughter who was already wrapping her arms around Cassie. Cassie was slowly turning around to face away from the body and wrap her arms around Caroline. "Hey there's been a murder in ******** i need  backup." Sheriff Forbes said into her walkie talkie not taking her eyes off the girl in her daughters arms. "Hey Caroline how about you bring Cassie over to ours or Bonnie's." Sheriff Forbes suggested. Caroline nodded helping up Cassie leading her out.


Cassie sat in Bonnie's house idling into a pillow as Caroline and Bonnie stared at the poor girl with sympathy. "You ok?" Bonnie asked taking the girls hand."Seeing them lying down on the floor reminded me of my parents." Both of the girls listened to their friend. "And I hated them so much. But no one deserves to die. I think maybe if I was there they might be safe." Cassie said. At this point Caroline took the girls other hand. "You wouldn't have been able to stop it. You could have died too." Bonnie said comfortingly. "I felt like everyone hated me. My parents. My foster parents. Everyone . I felt alone all the time. Until you guys. " Those words put a smile on Bonnie and Caroline's face. "I probably would be sitting in the woods alone right now if we hadn't met. "Cassie let out a small laugh. "But I'm not. I'm not alone. After my parents death I was. I had no one. The foster care people came up to me that night as well. I felt like straight away they were trying to replace my parents. They had it all planned out after only a few hours. They had the family." Cassie realized she couldn't sit down moping . Where would that get her. "We should go to the comet night." Cassie jumped up randomly. Caroline and Bonnie glanced at each other worriedly. "Cassie it's ok we can stay home." Caroline said gently touching her friends shoulder. "No it's fine. Let's go." She hopped up walking to the door.

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