chapter thirty seven

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"Ow." Cassie hissed as bonnie tightened the corset. "Sorry." Bonnie apologized. "God, this dress is a pain." Cassie groaned. She wished she didn't wear the corset but it was too late to turn back now.

She was wearing a huge light pink period dress. It had all different layers in different shades of pink. She curled her hair and left it down loose. She had spent an hour on her makeup making sure it was perfect.

Bonnie had helped her with her hair and dress. She obviously couldn't tie a corset by herself. The corset did make her look good. Even though she probably won't be able to eat for the entire time she wore this and it felt as if she couldn't breathe.

"You look really pretty." Bonnie complimented Cassie putting a hand on her shoulder once she was finished getting ready. "I hope that's what everyone else thinks." Cassie sighed flattening her dress.

Bonnie took multiple pictures of Cassie and some with her as well. The worst part of the day would probably be trying to get into the car with the huge dress.

Cassie couldn't walk down the street wearing that huge dress without getting a few glances. Plus, she would have to bring runners if she was walking as well.

"This better be worth it." Cassie mumbled.

It was worth it. The floats looked stunning as well as the girls, Alaric's float looked amazing.

"Cassie." Caroline squealed running over with Matt following behind. "Caroline you look gorgeous." Cassie complimented. "You look amazing Miss mystic falls." Caroline said throwing her arms around Cassie's neck.

"Hi Matt." Cassie said with a smile. "Hey Cassie." Matt greeted. "Pictures. We need pictures." Caroline said. "I'll take them." Bonnie offered. Caroline passed the camera to Bonnie and stood next to Cassie with her arm around her.

Once a few pictures were taken of Cassie and Matt with Caroline. "We need one with Bonnie." Cassie said waving her friend over. "I'll take it." A voice behind bonnie offered.

"Tyler." Cassie walked over to him and hugged him. "Hey. You look amazing." Tyler said to her making a wide smile appear on Cassie's face. "Anyway." Cassie went over to stand next to Caroline again.

"I'll be at the float." Matt gave Tyler a dirty look before walking off. "I said I was sorry." Tyler reminded Caroline. Caroline had a look on her face which was practically telling him off.

"You made out with his mother and you beat him to a pulp." Caroline said. "You're going to have to do a little bit better than sorry." Then Caroline left to chase after her boyfriend.

"He'll forgive you soon. He's just mad right now. " Cassie walked over to him and took his hand with a comforting smile. "I know." Tyler nodded with a small sigh.

"Stand behind me, smile and wave." Cassie instructed her escort. "Yes ma'am." Tyler responded standing behind her on the float. "Don't fall." Cassie added.

"Let's give a big hand to the mystic falls marching band." The parade had began. The loud sounds of cheering and instruments filled the air. Mrs Lockwood stood on top of the stage announcing each float or group.

"And for a little local history, Mr saltzman's students have recreated Virginia's battle of Willow Creek." Carol introduced the next to floats.
Then it was the girls turn.

"Please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic falls court and their escorts." Cassie, Caroline, Elena and their dates as well as two other Miss Mystic falls couples stood on the large float waving at the cheering crowd.

"This is Cassandra Ellfire, Miss mystic falls ." Cassie smiled even wider once her name was mentioned. "Aren't they beautiful?" The cheers got louder.

Cassie looked behind at Tyler with a huge smile on her face before facing the crowd again. And at that moment, when Cassie smiled at Tyler. He fell even more in love with her.

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