thirty three

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Cassie walked into school. It took her about ten minutes of just standing there before she finally went in. Why? Because she'd have to find a way to tell Elena and Caroline that her new guardian is all of their enemy.

She'd been practicing on her way to school. She almost got hit by a car when she wasn't focusing. After that she decided to walk the rest of the way and wheel her bike beside her.

She'd also have to find out how to say I'm sorry for your loss to Matt. She didn't like him that much. Probably because, in her opinion, he treated Caroline horribly just like his mom did.

She'd probably have an awkward conversation without Jeremy. Tyler mightn't be that bad. I mean, they were friends. Jeremy wasn't one she talked to often. Sure, they had short conversations sometimes whenever he answered the door at Elena's.

She practised saying I'm sorry with a different tone and facial expression in the mirror at least fifty times. Then she realised she was probably over thinking it.

"Hey Matt." Matt jumped at the sudden sound of her voice. He never knew someone could walk so quietly. "Um... Hi." He said. "I'm really sorry." She began. "For your loss, i mean. " She went on.

"I know I didn't go to the funeral or removal but I just thought Vicki wouldn't want me there." Cassie didn't practice this bit in the mirror. "Thanks." Matt nodded and tried to walk away.

"It's not because I don't care. I totally do." Cassie did not stick to what she was practicing all morning. "It's fine." Matt gave her a small smile . "I'm really sorry again . It's just me and Vicki don't have any great memories. And right now I'm blabbing so I'm going to go." Cassie spoke really quickly.

Matt just nodded not getting half of what the girl was saying to him. "It's fine. I should get going." Matt didn't wait for an answer. He just turned away.

Cassie mentally cursed. She messed up that conversation completely. It was supposed to be a quick I'm sorry and then go. She should have just stopped there. Right now, she could barely think straight. Her mind was all jumbled up.

Cassie didn't have class with Elena or Caroline at all that day. Bonnie was the only one in that days classes and she was still out. Cassie still hadn't figured out how to tell the two girls yet.

She felt bad for immediately turning the other way when Elena was coming near her. Or ignoring Caroline when she called her at lunch. She didn't know why she was so nervous.

She was too busy looking down to notice a person walking in front of her. "Woah." The person said as she bumped into them. "Jeremy."

"Hey Cass." Jeremy gave her a small smile. "How are you? I mean after the other day." Cassie asked. "I'm fine. Little upset but fine." He answered looking down.

"You can talk to me whenever, you know that?" Cassie said smiling warmly at him. "I'm not just your sisters friend. I'm yours too." She added. Jeremy smiled slightly. "Thanks Cass."

"Just call. Or even just talk to me in person. Whichever. Or do t talk to me at all." Cassie blurted out nervously. "Thanks. " Jeremy simply said. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there." Cassie apologized.

"No. It's cool. You and Vicki never got along. Doubt she would actually care." Jeremy shrugged. "Cool. I need to talk to Tyler." Cassie said to him. "Yeah. Bye."

"Hey Ty." Cassie greeted sitting on the chair next to the boy who sat alone. normally he would be surrounded by the team but right now he was alone.

"Hey Cass." Tyler said with a smile. "I'm sorry about Vicki." She apologized. "It's cool." Tyler shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. "No , it's not cool." Cassie realized that was exactly like what Jeremy had said to her. It definitely wasn't cool or fine.

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