twenty nine

440 12 1

"You spoke to your what?" Elena exclaimed. The two girls sat in Elena's bedroom. "Basically another Katherine but it's me." Cassie told her. "What's her name,her backstory? Tell me everything." Elena rambled on. "Her names Mary Beth. She was in love with Katherine and Katherine was in love with her and I mean super in love. Katherine's emotions were off yet she could still feel love for Mary Beth. It's crazy ." She began. "But when Katherine turned she wanted to be with Mary Beth forever. So she turned her. Mary Beth turned off her humanity and they were happy together. That was until Mary Beth turned i t back on, she said some things to make Katherine mad and then Katherine killed her." She explained.

"Oh my god." Elena said once she finished. "I know. It's like crazy weird." Cassie agreed. "I spoke to her and she told me don't fall for her tricks Ellfire. Don't make the same mistake I did." She told her. "Why would you fall in love with Katherine." Elena asked. "I wouldn't. Could she be talking about someone else?" She wondered. "But who's that someone else. Who do we know that's just like Katherine." Elena asked. "We don't know Katherine. That's the problem. When I asked Mary Beth about her she just went quiet and that was the end of our conversation." She told her. "I might be able to contact her again but I can't ask her specific questions about Katherine. It's a touchy subject I guess." She said to Elena. "How did you do it last time?" Elena asked. "Candles and get a pen and paper to write this down " Cassie stood up.

Candles surrounded Cassie who was sitting on the floor. "I'm ready." She nodded taking a breath. "Mary Beth." She called closing her eyes. "Your back." The familiar voice that sounded exactly like Cassie's.
I'm back.
I'm ready to talk again.
I'm ready to ask more questions.
Go on.
How can you show me this? How come Elena isn't connected to her doppelgänger?
Because you connected us. Properly.
No I didn't.
Yes you did Cassandra. I asked you to properly connect us. We had always a weak connection I could barely contact you before but to make it stronger you had to let me into your head.

The darkness soon turned into a picture, it was like a movie. A young Cassandra sat on the floor playing with blocks. She had a grin on her face. She was in her old room at her old house.

A whisper was heard by young Cassandra.
"Hello?" The young girl was confused. It was a females voice yet it was not her mother.
I need you to let me into your head.
The little girl was scared.
Please, I'll die without you.
"I don't know how. I'm sorry miss."she went back to her toys.
Just tell me I'll let you in. I can help you Cassandra.
Cassandra was too young for all of this. She didn't understand any of it so she let her in.
"I let you in."

There it is.
How have you stayed?
You've been keeping my soul here.I'm not dead but I'm no longer alive. That is unless you keep revive me.
I'm not strong. I can barely do anything
Ill help you.
With what?

There was silence. She had left.
Cassie opened her eyes to see Elena. "She told me to revive her. I can bring her back to life . I've been keeping her from death yet she's not alive." She explained.

"Cassie your nose." Elena pointed up at her own nose. Cassie put her hand up to touch under her nose. She felt liquid under her nose. Taking her hand away she could see a large drop of blood on her fingertip. "That's weird." She mumbled. "I haven't had a nose bleed in ages." She muttered. "Is it when you use your powers." Elena asked. "Maybe." Cassie shrugged.

"But I can't help Mary Beth." Cassie shook her head. "Why not?" Elena said. "I don't know. I just don't trust her." Cassie told her. "Why?" Elena asked again. "Well in a way she's telling me to kill myself to bring her to life." Cassie told her. "I guess." Elena frowned.

"Anyway. Your news?" Cassie turned the attention to Elena's problem. "I think I found my real mom." Elena told her." Isobel Flemming. She lived around here." Elena carried on. "Here's the strange thing though. Mr Saltzman's wife's name was also Isobel. " Elena added. "Was meaning..." Cassie said slowly. "Dead." Elena nodded. "Maybe it's just a coincidence. Is there anyway to check if she really is gone?" Cassie asked.

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