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Start from the beginning

"What other thing?" Zoro asked confused on what she was talking about.

"Oh jeez. I wonder what." Nami sarcastically spoke.

"The whole thing about his grandfather being the vice admiral of the marines." Vex informed.

"Oh.. that thing." Usopp spoke as he took a step back. "Yeah... I don't really know that guy well enough to go ask him that kind of question."

"Doesn't really seem like a big deal." Zoro spoke as he shrugged.

"Its a huge deal." Nami spoke in disbelief. "Look, Zoro, you're his first mate. It kind of falls under your job description. So go ask him."

Zoro glanced at them before removing his arm from around his girlfriend's shoulder. "Fine." He mumbled. "I'll be back Venus. Don't let that Vex guy get too close." He spoke before glancing at Nami. "Hands off her." He pointed before leaving to go talk to Luffy.

"It's a good thing I don't listen to the rules or else I wouldn't be here." Nami joked.

Venus chuckled a bit. "He'll get used to it." She joked back.

Zoro managed to find Luffy fixing his hat. Standing behind him as he didn't say anything to him at first. Glancing st him before glancing back ahead. "Hey. How you doing?" He asked.

"Great." Luffy spoke. "But my hat seems to have taken a few hits during the battle."

"Right." Zoro replied simply. Not being good at talking with other people as much. "About the battle, you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Nope." Luffy simply answered as he was more focused on getting his hat fixed than anything else.

Zoro listened before giving a slight nod. "Okay. Good talk." He spoke. Turning away and heading back the way he had come from. Lightly tugging Venus away from Nami and Vex. "He seems fine to me."

"Hey!" Nami spoke up when he took Venus with him. "Did you even bother to ask him?" She asked. Crossing her arms for now.

Venus listened as she followed Zoro. "You didn't ask him, did you?" She asked. Knowing him very well.

"Nope." Zoro spoke as he leaned against a good part of the railing. Keeping her in front of him.

Venus playfully shook her head as she glanced at him. "Remind me to go in your place next time." She joked.

"There's no need for that." Zoro spoke as he smiled at her. "I'll be sure to have you tag along since he seems to consider you his left handed woman."

"How thoughtful." Venus teased.

"Guys!" Luffy spoke up. Catching the attention of the rest of the crew. Sniffing the air as it made him grin again. Getting excited about what he was smelling.

"What is it?" Vex asked as he glanced up from fixing the railing.

"Anyone else smell that?" Luffy asked.

"Smell what? We're in the middle of sailing with no land around us." Nami spoke up.

"There's something in the breeze. I can smell it." Luffy stated.

"I think you're imagining things." Nami huffed.

"No. It smells like butter, soy sause, and meat." He grinned at the thought of food.

"I can't smell any of those things." Usopp spoke as he walked forwards a bit. Trying to smell the air.

"Think he has brain damage?" Zoro asked as he joined them with Venus.

"I happen to think that everyday." Nami replied.

"Be nice you two." Venus glanced at them before turning back to Luffy. "Maybe he smells something we can't. He's always had some odd traits to him."

"Smelling food from here is definitely odd."

"Luffy, look, playing follow the smell is fun and all but we really need to focus on how to get out of here." Usopp interjected.

"And we will but right now.. I smell food. Someone, somewhere is cooking right now and it smells amazing." Luffy spoke. Heading to the sheep figurehead and sitting on it. Giving Nami directions on where to go.

"Wow.. add food to the equation and now he suddenly knows how to navigate." Nami mumbled.

"Seems like he was right though." Venus spoke as she pointed to the light in the distance.

"What is that? Is that land?" Zoro asked.

"That's impossible. My map shows no islands anywhere around here." Nami spoke as she took a glance at the light.

Usopp leaned a bit over the railing as he caught sight of letters. "Anyone know what a Baratie is?" He asked. Getting no answer as the ship sailed closer to the place where more ships were and other pirates walking into the place.

"Where are we?" Vex asked.

"Everyone seems to be going into that fish ship." Zoro pointed out.

"That smell.. it really does smell like food. I think it's a restaurant." Nami was amazed Luffy had smelled it from afar.

"And I know exactly what to do next." Luffy grinned.

"Hide the ship from the marines finding us?" Nami asked.

"Sailing back to Syrup Village where we will be safe?" Usopp asked.

"Nope! Let's eat!" Luffy beamed as they sailed closer to the place.

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