{Ch. 27} Gone Again

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"Right, what's the plan?"

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"Right, what's the plan?"

Nightfall had come quickly. Which was great cover for our group hiding in the dunes behind the huge lab building.

Gally tightened his grip on his gun when he saw all the cranks. "Go in guns ablaze and mass murder these shanks. I've got a full clip and a full extra."

"Ditto," Thomas said, slinging his gun forwards from where it was nestled on his back. "Purge time."

Minho smirked and nodded. "Solid plan."

"Newt, you and Christina will grab every vial of the cure you can find. They're in a refrigerated safe in a lab office at the top of the building. Minho, Thomas, and Gally. You guys will be the protection. I'll navigate. I saw a storm exit map during our escape from the lab last night," I glanced among the group, everyone nodded, knowing their positions. "Watch each other's backs. Keep each other safe. If we get separated, meet back here."

"I fucking love you," Gally said and kissed me roughly as we all stood. "Stay behind me. I mean it. I can't lose you again."

"This is for Four," I sighed sharply. "About done with these zombie shitheads."

"Zack, do it!!" Four yelled, a growl in his voice. "Push the ice cream cooler in front of the door too. Do not let me out!"

"I'll lock you in there but if we need to get out I can't put the cooler in front of it!"


Four entered the office room in the station and Zack locked up the door from the outside. Then shoved a wood plank underneath it to secure it to the floor.

Zack sat back against the floor across the hall from the door, gun in his hands. Tears in his eyes praying he wouldn't have to shoot a mercy shot.

He's known Four since he was a boy. He grew up watching him and wanting to be like him. And now here he was watching him turn into a zombie.

He let a few tears fall but he wasn't emotional long. Because Four started banging on the door. Hard. Zack could hear it splintering and knew it wouldn't be able to hold him back forever.

Zack started muttering every prayer he could think of in hopes that Elsie and the gang were on their way.

He didn't want to kill his childhood hero.

"Up these stairs! Here!" I pointed towards the staircase across the hall.

Our infiltration of the laboratory was absolute hellfire. Gunshots everywhere, growling and roaring cranks left and right, and confusing hallways and countless different wards.

Somehow, however, we made it to the top floor. Sailor trotted ahead, sneaking around corners and checking hallways for undead. Once it was clear he'd sit and wag his tail, letting us know it was safe.

"It's locked. Here," Thomas grabbed a nearby chair. As did Newt. "Shatter the window. Ready? One, two-"

Glass shattered everywhere and we all jumped in through the window. Thomas shot the keypad on the safe for Newt and Christina to fill her backpack with as many vials of the cure as would fit.

There were shelves full of the stuff.

"Okay! That's all of it! Let's dip!" Christina said whilst slinging her bag over her shoulder.

We all ran back down stairs and through hallways, the boys shooting cranks on sight. Sailor was lingering behind, clearly favoring his injured leg.

"Come on, buddy. Up. Here, I'll carry you. We gotta hurry."


I looked up when I heard it. A guttural and low growl of a Crank coming up behind me. With the last of his strength, Sailor jumped up and shoved me aside.

So the Crank attacked him instead of me.

The boys all three loaded the crank with lead but it was too late. Sailor had given his life for mine. He's gone.

"N-no!!" I cried. "Sailor!! No!!"

"Els, come on! We gotta go! We're running out of ammo!" Thomas said.

Gally ran up and pulled me away from the heart wrenching scene and into the next fire escape.

We made it out of the lab. Bag full of cure vials and not one scratch on any of us. Besides Sailor.

"I'm sorry," Gally kissed my head. "I'm sorry. I know you loved him. He saved you and I'm forever grateful."

With a angry expression, I shook my head and grabbed the backpack. "Come on. Let's go save Four. I can't lose him too."

The others were concerned, but they followed me regardless. We gotta make it to Four.


(rip Sailor, him was goodest boy)

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