{Ch. 19} Cold

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Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Wow. Is this your place?"

"Yeah," Four seemed to take a breath and calm down upon entering his modernly comfortable apartment. He took off his jacket and draped it neatly over a dining chair. "You picked Dauntless with the other two maze kids to be safer. Strength in numbers."

"Right back into it, okay," I sat myself on his couch. "I panicked when Thomas asked me what Faction I got and said his. Tori didn't give me any options."

"So Thomas isn't Divergent," He nodded and crossed his arms, leaning against his kitchen counter. "What about Gally?"

I gulped. But Four nodded. Curse his ability to read me like an open book.

"You can trust me," Four said. "I wanna show you something."

He led me into the small living room and turned on a small lamp. The room glowed a dim, warm orange. I watched as Four lifted his shirt up and off to reveal a rather intricate tattoo blanketing his back.

"Woah... are these..."

"The factions. All of them."


"I'm all of them. Well, I try to be. I'm still working on Amity."

We shared a laugh. Then he turned around as he pulled his shirt back on. "I wanted to show you that you can trust me. I didn't know how else to do it besides telling you that I'm Divergent too. And if I can make it all the way up to an instructor without being found out, you and Gally can do it too."

I looked down at the floor. "Four it's not always gonna be you watching the simulations, is it?"

He was quiet, which was my answer. I wasn't expecting him to pull me into a hug, though.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you," He told me in a firm yet somehow still comforting voice. "Neither will Gally. Or Thomas. Or Christina or Zack."

"I don't know how I'm gonna pretend I'm not Divergent. Four, I'm barely Dauntless. They're gonna find me out."

"I can teach you. We'll train together. Every morning like we have been. I'll teach you how to be Dauntless so you pass the sims the way a Dauntless would."

"And Gally?"

"Talk to him in private. Pull him aside. Tell him about today. What I've told you," He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "We'll all train together. That way you guys can continue to look out for each other."

I joined the rest of the Faction in the dining hall for breakfast and walked straight to our table.

"Hey, can we talk? Now?"

Gally looked alarmed but nodded, so I took his hand and led him up the stairs to the roof. Where we've kind of claimed our spot to talk.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"He knows. Four knows about... the divergent thing," I told him. The expression on his face changed from fear to sadness to frustration, then confusion. But before he could say anything, I set my hands on his cheek to steady him. "He is, too. Like us. And he wants to help."

"How do you know he didn't just tell you that so you'd give him all the information?" Gally asked firmly. "Do you just- told him we both were practically criminals in this city and not what? I bet he'll go straight to Leadership, Elsie!"

I flinched a little when he raised his voice, then stiffened. "Gally, because I trust him. He wouldn't rat us out. Hell, Tori from the aptitude test knows too and she hasn't told anyone."

"You told Tori?! How many people know?!" He was full on yelling now, stepping back with crossed arms. "Elsie this is a life or death thing, here! You can't just go telling everyone like it's something to brag about!"

"I haven't!" I yelled back, getting angry with the fact he doesn't trust me. After everything we've been through. "Tori gave me my test!! If she wanted me dead she would've reported me by now! I can't believe you don't trust me!"

"Don't trust you?! Elsie, I'm trying to protect you! Protect us! And it feels like you don't even care!"


"No, Elsie. I think we need a break. To focus. Because now our secret is out in the open. The whole world is bound to know now," He turned towards the stairs and  made his way back down into the Faction base.

I didn't even have time to process our first fight.

"Well, that was hard to watch."

A chill raced up my spine and I froze in panic. I know that voice. I'd know it anywhere. Eric.

"Thank you. For confirming what we already know. And for making my job easier," He grabbed the back of my neck and plunged a syringe into my skin. The last thing I saw were his icy blue eyes and chilling sneer.


Suuuper short chapter! Sorry not sorry! It was juicy though! What's Eric doing? Where is he taking her? Who's gonna be there? Stay tuned and you'll see 😌

Till The World Ends // Gally x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin