{Ch. 9} Training

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When Gally and I made it back to the bunk room, we sat on my bed facing Christina and Thomas on his

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When Gally and I made it back to the bunk room, we sat on my bed facing Christina and Thomas on his.

They were talking about what challenges could be next for Initiation but I wasn't focusing. My head was leaned on Gally's shoulder and it's pretty clear to everyone what our status is.

I spotted Zack in the corner of the room and when I caught his eye I noticed he was already looking my way. I'm still wearing his jacket. I should probably return it.

After giving Gally's arm a pat and dismissing myself, I made my way over to Zack and handed him his jacket.

"Thank you. By the way. I never told you."

"Don't worry about it," He gave me a friendly smile. "You left dinner early?"

"Needed to clear my head. It's all a weird adjustment from the Glade."

"Ooh! She gave you the jacket back!" The same guy from the shooting range today decided to pop back in. "Say goodbye to that potential romance, lover boy!"

Zack rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Peter. Your voice is headache inducing."

"Are you gonna tell her or am I?" Peter smirked. "Guess I will. Lover boy here has had a sad little crush on you since he saw you pick Dauntless at the Ceremony. But I guess now that you're with meathead over there, he doesn't even get a chance!"

Peter's raising voice started gathering attention. Gally, Thomas, and Christina were watching from the back corner of the room.

Giving me a chance to stick up for myself before either of them stepped in.

"And what does any of this have to do with you? Since when was someone's love life public business?"

"Since everyone here watched you get with that Asian kid in the Maze. Mingo or whatever his name was. Are you really able to move on that fast after killing him?"

His words felt like a knife to the chest. Killing him? I did. I did kill him. He only died because of me.

Tears filled my eyes and anger engulfed my soul like a fire. I stood up to Peter, sneered at him, and punched him hard in the gut.

He doubled over and coughed and I was about to continue beating him up when I felt Christina hold me back.

My mind was numb with rage. I was infuriated. How dare he say something like that?!

It took Christina and Thomas both to hold me back from Peter. Through all the commotion, Four appeared in the doorway and yelled, silencing everyone in the room.

I had tears in my eyes, they dampened my cheeks and softened my skin but my heart felt cold. Like a rock. But yet at the same time, a flaming coal in my chest.

"What the hell is going on down here?" Four scolded. "It is well past curfew. Who started it?"

"Peter," Zack scowled. "Started saying horrible things about Elsie so she stood up for herself."

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