{Ch. 23} Just. Keep. Going.

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"God, it's hot

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"God, it's hot. I understand why people call it the Scorch," Zack grumbled, cupping a hand over the top of his eyes to make it easier to see from the sun.

He blinked a few times to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him. That weird distance haze with the heat waves thing. He's not the brightest but he's heard things.

"Hey! Anyone else see that building over there?!"

The group looked up from the sand dunes and spotted a short building off in the far distance. Everyone exchanged relieved grins.

"Good eye, Zack!" Four clapped a hand on the younger boy's shoulder. "Everyone, to that building. Keep your guns handy, we might run into Cranks."

The small group started a jog towards the building in the distance. And it wasn't until they got closer that other buildings started coming into view.

They found the destroyed city.

The building they came across turned out to be a gas station. A run down and very unusable gas station. However, it had a barbed wire fence around it and boards over the display windows.

"Someone's either been here or is still in here," Four said as he used his foot to bend a section of the fence down. Because the metal was rusted, it thankfully stayed in place.

Gally and Four led the group up to the building, then Gally hit his gun against the board over the door. "Hello? Anyone in there?"

Nothing. Silence.

So they kicked the door down and everyone filed in. Very pleased to see quite a bit of canned goods on the shelves. And shelf stable things like peanuts and chips.

Four told everyone to grab what they could and stay alert while they explored the building. Gally and Four went to the back towards the bathrooms and back exit.

Newt had wandered to the front counter, eyeing some of the candy on the front shelf that he's never seen before. He couldn't place some of the ingredients but some of the packs of gum seemed to still be okay.

Till The World Ends // Gally x OCWhere stories live. Discover now