{Ch. 26} Shockwave

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Unintentionally, Four had fallen asleep during his time watching out for Cranks, so when the group woke up the next morning, the sun had risen

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Unintentionally, Four had fallen asleep during his time watching out for Cranks, so when the group woke up the next morning, the sun had risen.

"Shit, Four, you fell asleep, mate," Newt gasped, shaking the Dauntless instructor awake. "Whoah..."

"What?" Zack approached the pair, then stood back at the sight along with Newt. "Dude, your- your veins..."

Four looked down at his arms and hands with wide eyes. Sure enough, the black veins he'd discovered on his leg had somehow spread across his entire body overnight.

An aching pain was quickly seizing his muscles. His brain was foggy and his head ached.

All of the sudden it felt like he'd fallen asleep once again. However, that was indeed not what had happened. Because to the others, the Dauntless instructor's eyes had gone black, and he'd slowly stood up.

"Hey, hey, Four," Gally stood between the seemingly possessed version of Four and his friends. "It's us. It's me. You don't wanna hurt us. Snap out of it, shank."

Four had a very vacant look in his blackened eyes. He just stood there, ever so slightly swaying on his feet. Suddenly he shook his head and his eyes faded back to normal.

"Four?" Thomas stood next to Gally, one of his hands still reached behind him to keep Christina behind him. "What's going on?"

"Leave. You guys need to leave me," Four muttered, his voice low and scratchy. "I don't wanna hurt anybody. I can feel it and I can't control it."

"Four, mate, we can- we can get you to where they have Elsie. I'm sure they'll have something to help," Newt tried to reason. "We just need to go. Quickly."

Zack and Four locked eyes. The younger of the two seeing a look of fear hidden deep within the older boy's. Zack's heart was saddened as he realized what needed to happen.

"You guys go," Zack said, making Four nod in response. "You guys leave us here and go find Elsie. Bring back whatever you can to help. I'll stay with him."

"Are you sure?" Newt looked between Four and Zack. "You- you'll be alright?"

"We'll hurry," Gally shouldered his gun and nodded. "Cities aren't far apart. Geographically. We'll find her and bring her and a cure back."

Till The World Ends // Gally x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora