{Ch. 21} We Bleed Purple

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I woke with a sharp gasp and immediately realized I'd been tied down

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I woke with a sharp gasp and immediately realized I'd been tied down. Only I'm not in the same room I was before.

I'm in a lab, and it's much bigger than the first room. Then I remembered, Minho's alive. And he's here in this building.

I tried to wiggle out of the restraints but I couldn't, and in my drug induced brain fog I yelled out and started aggressively yanking on the restraints.

It was getting me nowhere, but not for lack of trying.

My brain felt numb. And I was way more emotional than normal. I felt like the smallest inconvenience would be the end of the world. And despite my unclear understanding, I knew it was the doctors who shoved me into this haze.

I heard the hiss of the door opening but it didn't stop my angry struggle against the straps tying me down. Instead the person came in and typed a few things onto the monitor behind me.

Not being able to see them was terrifying. Though the terror didn't last long, because Ava Paige came around the table I was tied upright to and gave me a clinical smile.

"It's so nice to see you again, Elsie. Here and safe. You know, you and Minho are saving lives here."

I spat in her face and gave her no reply. She wants me to talk. She wants me to get emotional. It's not gonna happen.

A team of nurses came in with a covered rolling table of what I assumed were doctor's utensils of some kind. They're using it to scare me. All of this is to scare me.

Regardless, my heart started speeding up in my chest. Ava looked back at the monitor and smiled once again. "Yes, that is exactly what we need. Keep that heart beating fast, Elsie. It's that adrenaline induced blood of yours we need."

One of the nurses uncovered the tools and connected an IV to my arm, then to a line that fed into a bag with a blue-ish liquid already in it. The mix of my stark red blood and the blue liquid turned the bag purple. Which grabbed the attention of everyone in the room.

"Oh, my..." Ava gasped. "She's what we've been looking for this whole time..."

I didn't have long to ponder what the hell she meant because Eric sauntered into the room, a proud look on his face despite the bloody tissue he removed from his nose and tossed in the trash.


Eric's presence sent my heart from a quick beat to a speeding pound. It made the monitors behind me beep frantically. And the liquid in the bag turned a deeper purple.

Eric smirked when Ava nodded towards him to advance. He pulled back a wall in front of me that apparently wasn't a real wall this entire time. And revealed Minho in the room across from me. Tied to a table like mine.

My heart pounded impossibly harder at the sight of him. Broken. Worn out. Weak.

"Minho," I whispered softly, my eyes watering. "Minho, wake up."

He must've heard my voice, because he very slowly picked his head up. When his eyes locked on mine he seemed to flood with a new energy. The monitors behind him started frantically beeping. So did mine.

"Elsie!! Elsie I'll get you out of here!!" He yelled, tears in his eyes. Eric approached my table, eyeing Minho with a cold smirk. "I'll kill you!! I'll kill you if you touch her again!! I'll kill you!! You'll be sorry!!"

I watched a group of doctors approach him as he started thrashing on the table in rage, then Eric slid the wall back across and blocked him from view.

All of the sudden Minho's yelling silenced, and the beeping of his monitors slowed to a normal pace.

"Minho?!" I suddenly cried. "Minho?! What did you do to him?! Minho!!"

"Yes. Keep doing that. Keep that adrenaline going," Ava nodded towards Eric, who returned her nod curtly. "Do what you have to do."

Gally had arrived at Abnegation, heavy bag of grain slung over his shoulder. Surprisingly, no one stopped him or questioned him.

He wondered if news of the attack had reached the other factions, so they figured what Gally was doing was to help. In some way. He wasn't sure. All he knew was that he had no idea which of these identical houses was Newt's.

"Hey," He tried to grab the attention of a woman but she took one look at the muscled, all black wearing young man and turned the opposite way and left.

He cleared his throat and summoned his inner manners, wherever they've been hiding this whole time.

"Excuse me," He walked up to another young man looking to be around his age. "Do you know where I can find a guy named Newt?"

"Bloody hell, mate. What're you doing all the way out here?" Gally turned when he heard Newt's voice. Then smiled in relief seeing his friend, but quickly changed it to concern and worry when he remembered the situation.

Newt saw right through him and ushered him into what was apparently his house. He was right next to it, ironically enough.

Gally plopped the heavy bag of grain down next to the front door when Newt closed it. Then took a quick glance around at the small home.

It was clear he lived alone. It was spotless and minimally decorated. All shades of dull organic colors like gray and brown and green.

"Oi, mate, what's the trip out here for? Is everything alright?" Newt grabbed his attention again, beginning to worry himself as to where Elsie was.

Because he knew that any chance she could get to see her brother, she'd jump on. And she wasn't with Gally.

"Elsie's been taken. Like Ava said. Eric took her outside the wall. We're gonna go save her and I came to get you."

"Bloody hell..." Newt breathed, a shake in his voice. "Let's go then, what're we doing standing around!"

"Newt, wait, there's a plan. We have to stay here till dark. Then we'll sneak out and meet the others at the train tracks."

"It makes sense, but I don't want to wait," Newt remarked frustratedly. "Others? I'm assuming Tommy? That instructor from your Faction?"

"And a couple other friends, yeah. We have who we need. We just needed you and everyone else is gonna meet us there."

"Good, that. Let's go get my sister."

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