{Ch. 24} Animals

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tw: graphically described gore

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tw: graphically described gore. it's going down people 👀

When the expectation of being tied up to a cold metal table is met by the hazy reality of lying on a somewhat comfortable cot, it disorients like you wouldn't believe.

However I wasn't about to complain about being left alone in the quiet with a blanket draped over my waist rather than being poked and prodded in the lab.

Regardless, the situation seemed odd and I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or in a sim or- heaven forbid, dead. But with the returning memory of Eric telling me these scientists are going to kill me, it was clear that the last possibility was less than probable.

Once my eyes adjusted to the dim light in the small, slightly stuffy room, I managed to force myself into a sitting position.

After rubbing my eyes I noticed a monitor in the back corner of the room. With- oddly enough- four different heartbeat indicators displayed on the screen.

With a closer look I discovered that the four were Minho, Newt, Four, and Gally. My four. My boys. I sat there on the somehow fixed metal stool from quite a bit ago and just watched the steady beats of the hearts belonging to my four.

Suddenly, however, one of them dropped out of pattern. Then the next. And the next. Then another. All progressively getting slower and slower. Then- Four's stuttered... and flatlined.

And as soon as his flatlined, the other three went right back to normal. As if one of the four lines wasn't straight instead of steadily mountainous.

My heart absolutely shattered at the sight of Four's name glowing above the flatline and I felt myself dropping to my knees sobbing. I covered my ears trying to block out the monotonous, whiny tone of the monitor.

However it seemed to just grow louder and louder. Then it wasn't just a whine, it had stutters between it. As it grew louder the stutters patterned, long whines of flatline warning but an at least four second break of silence in between.

"Stop!! Stop it!!" I desperately cried out, pushing my hands so hard against my ears I feared my head would burst like a blueberry. It was then that I started realizing the setting around me was changing.

Till The World Ends // Gally x OCWhere stories live. Discover now