{Ch. 20} White Room Deja Vu

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I woke up in a white room

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I woke up in a white room.

Completely white. Dressed in a white gown, nothing else. My skin felt raw from being scrubbed so hard. My hair was tangle free and every inch of me felt clinically clean.

It felt wrong.

I felt a bandage on my neck and remembered what had happened. Eric. He took me from Dauntless, from my friends. From safety.

From Gally.

I sat up from the metal exam table I was laying on and groaned softly. My muscles and head ache like mad. I need to figure out where I am and if there's a way out.

The floor was cold on my bare feet but I spotted a glass sliding door and approached. It looked to have a padlock on the outside of it but nothing on the inside.

Shattering the glass was out of the picture because it would bring too much attention. Quiet is my ally if I am to escape wherever this is.

And then I saw her. Rounding the corner down the hallway walking towards my room. Ava Paige. The lady who supposedly shot herself.

A plan popped into my head and I immediately put it into action. I dropped to the floor dramatically, making it look like I blacked out. I made sure my body hit the door on the way down to grab their attention.

Which worked because Ava and the small group of doctors she was walking with rushed to my door. I heard the hiss of the door opening and as soon as one bent down to check on me, I shot up and elbowed her in the nose, then shoved her into the other nurse while snatching her key card.

I then sprinted down the hallway, trying to figure out where to go on the run. But I was very abruptly stopped when I slammed into a wall. Or- a human wall.

"Hey, there," That chilling voice spoke. "Where ya off to, pretty thing?"

I looked up at his face and sucked in the deepest breath I could, and screamed. It did exactly as I'd hoped and caused him to flinch and cover his ears, distracting him long enough for me to run right past him.

My scream grabbed the attention of someone who's had that exact same scream haunting him in his nightmares for months.

He shot up from his cot and ran to the glass door. I met eyes with him the second he reached the transparent barrier. I froze in place, my breath locked in my throat, and I felt like I was in a trance.


He started yelling and banging on the glass door, motioning behind me. He looked like he'd gone mad. He was skinny and tired and run through. Like they'd been torturing and starving him this whole time.

I slowly started walking towards the door of his room, tears filling my eyes in shock that he's right in front of me after all this time.

But a harsh blow to the side of my head turned all the bright white around me completely black once again.


"Have you seen Elsie?" Gally asked Thomas, trying his best to hide his frantic energy. "I haven't seen her since breakfast and it's almost lunch."

"I haven't. Maybe she's with Four? You were just talking to her though," Thomas saw right through Gally. "What's wrong?"

Gally's pulse quickened. A protection-fueled rage was burning in his chest. "Four's been in the Pit all morning. Where the hell is she?"

"We'll help you look," Christina and Thomas followed Gally down to the spit to find Four. Who looked concerned seeing the group approaching him.

He cut off his conversation with another staff member and met the group halfway. "Hey. Everything okay?"

"Where's Elsie?" Gally angrily pointed at the instructor. "I know she told you. What did you do with her?"

Four, getting a feeling that something was seriously not right, led the group of three up to his apartment. He shut the door so they'd have privacy.

"What's going on? I thought Elsie was with you guys? I sent her to you to tell you the new training plans."

Gally glared at him. "She shouldn't have told you shit. Don't play dumb. What did you do to my girlfriend?!"

"Gally, wait," Christina placed her hand on the enraged boy's arm. "He looks just as worried as we do. He doesn't know anything either."

"Alright, look," Gally sighed frustratedly. "We were up on the roof talking about what she told you and what you told her, then I got mad she even told you anything. So I left and assumed she'd be coming down after me. And you and her are always sneaking around so I assumed she was with you."

"On the roof?" Four jogged over to a laptop sitting atop his kitchen counter and pulled up camera feed from the roof.

"Oh my god," Christina gasped, tightly grasping Thomas' hand as the group watched Eric drug and kidnap Elsie, then whisk her away in some white aircraft.

"They went South. There's nothing south of here but the wall and if they were in an aircraft, they went over," Four angrily slammed the laptop shut, then turned to the group. "We're gonna go after that aircraft."

"You bet your ass we are," Gally replied with just as much anger.

"Zack, hey," Thomas whispered from the hallway outside the initiate bunk room. The tall boy turned curiously and ventured out into the hallway, feeling surprised when he saw the group waiting for him. "Eric took Elsie outside the city walls. We're gonna go get her but need help. Are you in?"

Zack smirked and nodded, pulling his hood up. "Any excuse to get out of this hell hole is an excuse I'll take. And no one hurts Elsie on my watch."

"We need to get Newt. And Fry," Thomas said, Gally shook his head.

"Newt. We need Fry to stay with Chuck. If this is the Factions coming down, Chuck is safest with Frypan."

"Still can't believe that guy's name is Frypan," Christina scoffed, earning a small chuckle from Thomas.

"Any idea how to get Newt out of Abnegation without causing mass panic?"

"I've got an idea," Four led the group out the back where the extra bulk bags of grain are kept. "Missed a delivery for the Factionless."

"Okay. Cool. But won't five people showing up for one delivery be a little suspicious?"

"I'll go," Gally said. "If anyone questions I'll tell 'em it was a behavior correction to run an errand for Leadership. I'll grab Newt and we'll meet you guys...?"

"The train tracks," Four said. "We'll hide in the train till dark and climb the walls. We'll need weapons though. There are... things out there that will require adequate self defense."

"I'll take care of it," Zack said. "My dad's in Leadership. No one will question me snatching a bunch of weapons from the keep."

"Thomas and I will gather backpacks of clothes. And see if we can snatch food from the kitchens after they've cleaned up dinner."

Four glanced around the group, nodding. "Okay. And everyone meets at the train tracks. Okay? Dusk."

"Dusk it is."

Till The World Ends // Gally x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu