{Ch. 5} Entering Dauntless

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"Wait, wait, what are they doing?! Is that a train track?!"

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"Wait, wait, what are they doing?! Is that a train track?!"

"Yes!! Come on!!" Gally grabbed my forearm and helped me up onto the ladder and we scaled the yellow post together. Once we reached the top we met up with Thomas.

"Hey, Elsie, listen-"

"Not the time, Romeo! Run!!"

I followed behind the rest of the Dauntless as they sprinted just beside the tracks. I didn't have much time to question why, because a train was quickly approaching behind us.

It whooshed past us and I almost fell off the side. I felt a hand grab my hip and hold me on the platform. I glanced back and spotted Gally.


"Don't mention it, keep going! They're getting on!"

Sure enough. The Dauntless were jumping inside doors of the train held open by other Dauntless.

I managed to sprint up to one of the last open doors. But I saw a girl behind us hang back. She was dressed in Abnegation clothes. Newt's faction. She must have transferred.

"You two go!" I said as Thomas and Gally ran past me and got onto the train safely. I found myself running behind the girl. "Come on! It's the last door! You got it!"

Gally hung on the outside of the door and held his arm out. The girl grabbed into it and made it inside, then I followed suit.

I found myself sitting up against the side of the train, panting, trying to catch my breath.

Thomas, however, had zero problems and stood with his hands on his hips. He laughed a little and pointed at me.

"Minho would've been the first one on this damn train."

I looked down at my bracelet and smiled a little, then I laughed with a nod. "And he would've made fun of us for taking forever."

A feminine voice spoke beside me. It was another girl trying to catch her breath. She had short black hair and tan skin with a bright smile.

"Hey, aren't you guys those Mazies?"

"Mazies?" I snickered. "Huh?"

"Kids from the Maze experiment. They told us all about you. Some of us got to watch you guys while they figured out how to save you," She explained with a smile. "I'm Christina."

"Whoah, watch?"

"Yeah, you guys are like huge celebrities in this city," A guy came up to us. He was tall with short black curly hair and a cheeky grin. "Elsie, Thomas, and Gally. I'm Ben. Watched you guys in the Maze."

I was a bit taken aback. People knew us already? Knew our names? Watched us in the Maze? God, I wish Newt were here so I could tell him about this.

"Yeah, uh, I'm gonna pretend I'm not totally creeped out by that at all," I stood up finally. "Guess I don't have to introduce myself to anyone then."

Till The World Ends // Gally x OCWhere stories live. Discover now