Meghan Markle (Rachel Zane) : Woah p. II

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y/n POV : 

"Excuse me?" Jessica says as Rachel gets into her face. 

"You think I don't know what you're trying to do?" Rachel says. 

"Rachel what are you doing?" I say and push her away from Jessica before she gets herself fired. 

"She's trying to take you away from me!" She says making me confused.

"Away from you? You literally told me to fuck off then you kissed Mike. So tell me how she can take me away from you if I was never with you?" I say and Rachel looks down. 

"You blew your chance Zane and now she's mine." Jessica says and wraps her arms around me but I push them off. 

"And you! You knew how I felt about her and you're trying to make you be 'yours' without even giving me a say! I am not some property you can fight over!" I say and storm off. 

I hear heels clacking and Donna say my name. 

"Let's go you're coming to my house." She says and wraps her arm around my shoulders leading me to her place. 

Next Monday

Donna lets me borrow some of her clothes for work as I have been staying the night at her place all weekend. 

"I don't wanna gooooo." I whine but she just throws my purse on my stomach making me groan.

"Let's go before Harvey throws a bitch fit about his coffee not being hot enough." She says making me giggle and get up following her out of the door. 

"Please, as soon as he sees me walking in with you he won't care." I say making her laugh as well. 

We arrive at the office building and I see Harvey talking with Jessica and Rachel and it doesn't seem to be a good talk as he is pacing in the room with his arms flailing. 

"Oh he does not look happy." I say and Donna guides me into the break room. 

I am sitting down at the table while Donna makes me a hot chocolate since I'm not the biggest fan of coffee. She places the mug down when Harvey calls her leaving me alone with my delicious cup of hot chocolate. This doesn't last too long though as someone sits down right in front of me. I make eye contact with those beautiful brown eyes that have hurt me recently. 

"I'm sorry," Rachel says looking sincere, "I have been confused with my feelings and I lashed out on you then I lost my mind after seeing you with Jessica that I wanted you to feel how I felt so I kissed Mike. I realized my mistake after I saw your face and when I tried to talk to you Jessica was there again. Then when you called me drunk from the club I couldn't take it anymore and when you came out with Jessica right behind you all I saw was red. I am so sorry for how I've treated you and how I made you feel. I truly do have feelings for you and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance." 

She finishes and I remain silent so she stands up giving me a soft kiss on my cheek before leaving me alone once again. 

That's one down and the other one I have to go to her because I am quite literally her assistant. I finish up my drink and head to my desk and begin work even though I can feel Jessica burning hole in my head. I finish the files that were on my desk and stand to drop them on Jessica's. 

"y/n wait can we talk?" Jessica says as I sit in one of the chairs in front of her desk. "I want to apologize for how I made you feel the other day. I don't know what came over me, you just make me do things I don't normally do. When I saw how Rachel treated you I saw my opening. I never knew I had feelings for you until I saw you upset after talking with Rachel and it made me want to kill the person who made you feel sad. Then in the club when we were dancing I just had to have you in that moment and when Rachel came I lost it. I truly am sorry for how I made you feel and hope you can forgive me." She finishes and I nod remaining silent then get up going back to my desk answering emails. 

The whole day I felt eyes on me when Rachel would walk by and during the day from Jessica behind me. The end of the day couldn't have come any sooner and I begin packing up when something is dropped on my desk. I look up to see Rachel with pleading eyes and a file in front of me. 

"I know we aren't on the best of terms right now but I really need your help with this case, you're the only one I trust to help me." She says. 

"Okay." I say softly making her smile as I put my bag down following her to the research room. 

"I'm glad to hear your voice again, I missed it." She says making me blush slightly. 

We are researching all night till about 3:20am when I eventually find her a loophole. 

"My god you are a genius!" She says and jumps up pulling me out of my chair giving me a hug. 

We pull away and our faces are centimeters apart as her eyes flash back and forth between my lips and eyes. She hesitates to lean forward but I give her a slight nod and meet her halfway having our lips connect. We pull away keeping a close distance as our lips ghost each others. 

"That was, woah." I say and she nods smiling. 

"Woah indeed." She says giving me a soft peck on the lips. 

"I should go home." I say softly. 

"I'll take you, it's late." She says but I shake my head.

"It's okay." I say and grab my stuff before she could protest. 

I enter the elevator heading downstairs when I run into Jessica in the lobby. 

"What are you doing here so late?" I ask her and she smiles when she sees me. 

"I was waiting for you to make sure you got home safely since you arrived with Donna." She says smirking a bit knowing I forgot I had arrived with Donna instead of driving myself like I usually do. "So I'll be driving you home tonight." 

"You're driving? Not having someone else drive you." I say and she rolls her eyes playfully before guiding me to her car parked outside opening the passenger door for me. 

She gets in the car and begins heading to my apartment resting her hand on my bare thigh sending tingles around my body. We arrive at my place shortly and she gets out of the car quickly as I unbuckle my seat she rushes over to my side of the car opening the door for me helping me step out of the car. She walks me up to my apartment door and before I could go in she grabs my hips softly turning me to face her kissing me softly. 

We pull away both having a smile on our face. 

"Woah." I say and she smirks kissing me once more. 

"Sweet dreams beautiful." She says pecking my lips softly again. 

I enter my apartment and close the door behind me leaning against it thinking about what has just happened in the past hour and how I have kissed two woman and have the same reaction after kissing both of them. 

I quickly shower before texting Donna what happened and 15 minutes later there's a knock on my door. I open it to see Donna holding an over night bag in her pj's. 

"Tell me everything." She states pushing past me into my apartment. 

"It's 4am Donna and we have work tomorrow I was literally going to see you in 4 hours." I say and she gets into my bed getting comfortable. 

"Don't care. Come on." She says and I get into the bed explaining everything that went down and she squealing every time I talk about the kisses. 

"I know, that's how I felt too." I say and then her smile falters a bit. 

"So who are you going to choose?" She asks making me think. 

"Do I really have to?" I say and she looks puzzled. 

"Let's go to sleep before any rash decisions are made." She says making me nod turning the lamp off and we cuddle falling asleep. 

She's right though I had the same reaction to both kisses and if I had to choose I don't know who I would pick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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