【S2 Blue Lock Saga】i'm sorry, but

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The phone continued to ring without anyone noticing. The small vibrating sound echoed inside of the little cabin and locker, it was placed in.

The hallways were empty and only dimly lit with a small light every two-three meters. The long hallways stretched out towards a practice field that shone brightly from afar.

Two people could be seen standing there. First, Itoshi Sae and second Shidou Ryusei.  They were both dressed in their casual attires instead of their training clothes, and were doing some light work going through strategies and positions.

Shidou glanced at Sae from his position on the field. Sae was standing on the offside of the field. He wore his usual stoic expression and seemed to be unfazed by what happened. Shidou intended not to pay too much attention to it, but Sae would response slower or seemingly uncaring of whatever it was that Shidou threw at him.

After the call earlier had ended, Sae's mood seemed to have dropped slightly. Curious, Shidou attached himself to him wondering what it was that got the cold-hearted teen this flustered.

Without replying, Sae simply left for the football field. Shidou usually wouldn't care if it was anyone else, but Sae and Yui were an odd and interesting duo that he found himself intrigued with.

Shidou was well-aware that it was Yui on the call. After all, who else but his manager and her would Sae call after practice.

Shidou flicked open his phone. At the same time his phone began to ring. The screen lit up with a name he hadn't quite expected to see.

˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ . 

Yui hurried through the streets with quick steps. After her initial panic and worry caused by the trouble her (let's call it) acquintance Atobe Keigo stirred up, Yui soon realized that she was getting nowhere with calling and instead decided to visit the U-20 Football Training Hall herself.

After a quick call to her driver Maureen, they promised to meet up at the nearest main street. Yui exhaled a shaky sigh. She could only hope that her hunch was right and that Sae was still there.

The events that unfolded today were a mix between bad timing and missed opportunities.

Yui had known about her family's intention for her to get married to Atobe for a little over a year. Of course, the girl refused. She felt a chill rundown her spine at the thought of being forced into a political marriage by the same father that had abandoned her mother and her all throughout her childhood.

Yui also refused to be used for his gain. Except for Yuusuke, she really resented that part of her family.

The path cleared up in front of her and Yui soon arrived at the promised place. The moment, Maureen spotted the girl through the window, he immediately stepped out and announced his presence with a polite bow.

«This way please, Young Lady.» Maureen said when he opened the car door for her to enter.

«Sorry for the inconvenience, Maureen.» Yui said apologetic when she stepped inside.

«Not at all, Young Lady. It's rare of you to call for me yourself.» Maureen replied with a soft small smile.

Yui mellowed shyly at the genuine joy on the driver's face when he said this to her. She looked down shyly and gave him a soft nod. Maureen saw that as his sign to close the door and entered his front seat.

𝐎𝐑𝐁𝚰𝐓, 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞.. [Blue Lock Sae x OC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang