Finale S1【Shooting Stars】together they fall 3/3

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The banquet was a day Sae would never forget.

Once they had returned, the teens gathered around the table that was now filled with plates of food. Ranging from snacks and fruits to freshly grilled meat, - everything belonging to your delicious barbecue lay there prepared.

Despite Sae's dislike for social gatherings, he found himself not minding theirs, and the occasional chaos they would bring. Eating with people like them, for once, was fun.

The night was going well, and much to everyone's surprised Ageha was a big eater. The girl alone managed to eat a whole plate of meat for herself without as much as looking like she was struggling.

Contrarily, she was the most excited Sae had ever seen her. Just when Ageha finished her plate, An got up to get her some more meat from the grill, that was still slightly burning.

In her eagerness however, An didn't notice the fairy lights that lay around and she brilliantly stumbled over it. Falling face first she was very close to hitting the grill if it weren't for Takao.

Takao, who was closest to the grill reacted quickly and caught her. However, he accidentally pushed away the grill in order to do so.
By miracle or luck, none of them got injured, yet a few pieces of exceptionally hot and burning charcoal flew towards the paper decorations around the tent... and burnt it.

Despite the initial panic at first, thankfully Yuusuke's staff were quick on their feet.

As if prepared for that, they calmly evacuated the children and erased the fire.

«Don't worry. Stuff like that happens all the time.» Yuusuke had shrugged it all of with a casual smile. Neither he nor anyone else seemed affected by what just happened.

The only ones who seemed affected were Takao and An. They apologized profusely to everyone.

Yuusuke couldn't be bothered more than this and he asked Sae to deliver the punishment, since it was his farewell banquet. Said boy honestly didn't care either and he just dropped down the decision to Yui.

In the end, it was decided that An and Takao would be the first to check out the Singing Machine.

Clean up soon ended and the party resumed.

While some were still eating, Takao and An were singing and providing some free entertainment and pretty good laughs.

As time passed on, the group slowly dissolved. Each of them enjoyed their makeshift camping spot at their own leisure.

At some point, Sae left to call his parents and tell them that he would return later than scheduled. Thanks to Yuusuke's staff assuring them that they would bring them all home safe and sound, his parents relented.

When Sae finished and returned from his phone call, his eyes fell onto his odd group of friends.

An was at the karaoke bar, singing loudly while swaying along the music. Both Ageha and Takao were clapping along and cheering for her at the same time.

An wasn't a terrible singer. If only she would use less volume and focused on actually singing instead of shouting, it would be passable.

Yuusuke, to everyone's surprise, turned out to be a fairly good singer, followed by Ageha and of course Shuu, who seemed to be good at everything.

Megumi had refused to sing and was now standing at the side with some sparklers, accompanied by Yuusuke and Shuu.

The two guys had soon lost their interest in singing after going once, and found it much more comfortable to keep themselves entertained with the fireworks. A safe distance away from the 'noise.'

𝐎𝐑𝐁𝚰𝐓, 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞.. [Blue Lock Sae x OC]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora