【Shooting Stars】together they shine pt II 2/2

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Saturday - The Day of the Match
Finally it was the day of the football match.
When Yui arrived at the football field, she was surprised to see it bustling with people. The field was surrounded by viewers and curious on-lookers. It wasn't only them though, there were also plenty of journalists and photographers near the football field. 

«This will probably be Sae's last official match until his return.» She remembered what Shuu had told her and Ageha on their way here.

The tension was high, to the point of being festive and triumphant, yet the moment the teams entered, it was as if Sae thrived in this atmosphere. The young teen was not the slightest bit affected by it. Instead, it was as if this whole moment was made and meant only for him. This field was his domain.

As Yui watched him she was filled with awe.

Sae's eyes lazily swept through the crowd. Usually it would not be possible to spot someone among this many people but Sae spotted Yui right away. Even with the white FILA cap she was wearing, he could sense her from a mile away.

'Shuu and butterfly girl are here too.'
Sae noticed and they lined up in front of today's opponent and bowed. «Let's have a good match!»

On the sidelines Ageha noticed a certain taller guy and whispered to Yui.

«There, the one with the Nr. 4. He's the senpai Sae talked about.»
Ageha, despite her shyness, had a lot of connections due to her helpful and kind attitude. With a bit of poking around she had managed to gain some intel on said upperclassman.

As Sae had guessed beforehand, Kota-senpai was a friend of the senior that got expelled after harassing them. Now Ageha was resolved to nip the trouble in the bud, once and for all.

The girl held onto Yui's arms as she thought so. Yui looked at her friend's resolute expression and chuckled at the girl's supportiveness.
She tilted her head lightly and gently nudged their heads together. The two girls giggled happily at that cute and comforting gesture.

Sae happened to see the girls clinging and being affectionate towards each and a mild sense of jealousy and annoyance bubbled from inside of him.

Sae stretched his neck and turned his attention back to the field.

Fweet! The sound of a whistle. The game begun.

The first half went by uneventfully. Sae's team was leading by 2-1. It was a close game only because Sae actually went against his logic and listened to his coach's request by playing more passively, giving more chances to other's, mainly Kota, to score.

Still as the end of the first half drew near, Sae got impatient and decided to score the leading goal himself, seeing how utterly useless his senior was after his first (fluke) goal. Sae took a sip from his water bottle while he drowned a sigh.

Suddenly his senior approached him.
«Hey, Itoshi! You're actually such a good junior!» Kota unexpectedly complimented him and tried to ruffle his hair. Sae coldly slapped his hand away.

Kota's eyes went towards the visitor's zone. There he saw Ageha, Yui and Shuu standing.
Kota raised an eyebrow. «You actually brought her here! Good going, man!» Kota said obnoxiously.

Sae squinted his eyes slightly.

'Oh Lord please give me patience.'
Sae thought as he clenched his fist tightly.
'Because if you give me strength I'll need bail money.'
He resisted the urge to punch a certain senpai in the face right now.

His mood slightly lifted after musing over that thought, but once Kota began talking again Sae just felt his annoyance built in full force.

«I know you're friends but you will be leaving soon anyway, won't you? So no hard feelings if she ends up falling for me or anyone else!» Kota said with an amiable smile.

𝐎𝐑𝐁𝚰𝐓, 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞.. [Blue Lock Sae x OC]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora