【S2】 Ch. 2 Days without you, Days with you

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🎊 Thank you so much for 5k ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
I can't believe we reached another milestone! 🎊


The teens entered the car wet from the snow. Maurien, the driver, was kind enough to get off and store away Sae's luggage.

«Please take us to Yuusuke's.» Yui requested to which Maurien nodded.

Sae entered the backseat area with Yui and took a seat next to her. The girl happily smiled at him. She had thoughts of holding his hand but resisted. She clenched her hand in her seat.

It wasn't a long ride but they enjoyed the blissful time they got to chatter and catch up.

«Sae, tell me how have you been?» Yui inquired excitedly.

Sae wasn't sure how to answer this.
During his time in Spain he went through highs and lows, and only in the recent years did his career as a professional athlete really start.

Thinking back, the world he saw was insane and he might have lost himself to despair if it wasn't for the brief moments of normalcy and support he received from them. Sae looked at Yui and thought: 'Thanks.'

If it's Yui it might be okay to talk. If it's her she might understand. Just as Sae thought these, he had already begun to speak.

«The football world is a battlefield.» Sae began to speak slowly as he retold his experiences.

«Teamplay? Support? Assist? No. It was all about defeating each other, using each other to score, and upon the bodies of the losers, the victorious would stand. Those that win are those that live and only they can climb up towards the top. That's the world of World-Class-Football.» Sae said and his eyes burned with a cold, predatory flame. He could feel the familiar adrenaline pump through his body.

«I've been fighting in that world for the last few years...» His eyes went to the front view mirror in the car. He could see his own reflection in it. It was a cold and unfazed glare. A gaze belonging to someone that had been victorious.

«It's not bad.» Sae knew he could only say that now after having a taste of victory.

Yui looked at him quietly. Sae emitted the aura of a seasoned warrior. One that had been going through battles day in and day out. Although he seemed calm, she knew he was fighting a silent battle, his guard was up.

She smiled softly. It reassured her to see that Sae was cautious and confident enough to not be bullied or touched by anyone. It did pain her a bit to know that he had to go through all that but then again, Yui trusted and believed in Sae as much as she respected his decision. She knew, he wouldn't do things half-heartedly. Sae, when it came to his goal and future, had always been more mature and resolute than most of their peers. Seeing his resolve, Yui too, had decided to wait and support him as best as she could.

«Sae, give me your hand.» Yui asked with a smile when she held out her own hand.

«?» Sae glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. His gaze then went to her hand.

«I'm done with gifts.» While he didn't mind giving her some, he just felt like it was a burden to receive more. Besides, it was a hassle to decide on something.

Yui laughed. «It's not. So, your hand?»
Hearing her laugh put Sae in a good mood and he put his hand on top of hers. He was curious as to what she was going to do now.

𝐎𝐑𝐁𝚰𝐓, 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞.. [Blue Lock Sae x OC]Where stories live. Discover now