【Stellar Collision】when two stars come together pt I

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The school day ended peacefully and soon the crew went their separate ways for after school lessons or clubs.

An had lamented tearfully about how she wasn't able to listen in on Yui's piano playing today because of extra practice.

Megumi and Takao also had to leave early because of private matters, while Ageha was off to work leaving only Yuusuke and Shuu available.

Well, the later one should have been available but he had mysteriously excused himself first on an 'urgent' call. (In truth Yuusuke had just given him a pass and an excuse to spend time with Ageha.)

They had promised to meet up after Yuusuke's basketball club. Yui had in the mean time settled on going through some of the pieces and playing something to pass time.
About 1h and 30min later Yuusuke had appeared with a smile.

«Sorry, I'm late. It sounds really good to listen to it after a long time.» He said with a brilliant smile. A rare sincere one which meant that he really meant what he had been saying.

To be honest, although Yuusuke had planned this with an intention in mind. Now that he was here and listening to it, he really felt relaxed and pleasured by the magical healing sound of Yui's playing.

Sitting down onto a chair near the door he had closed his eyes and crossed his legs in a relaxed position just letting the sound waves crash over him.

Once Yui had finished and reopened her eyes, she realized his relaxed body language and asked.
«Are you tired?»

«Hm... not really. I'm enjoying the moment.»

«Then, before I answer your question; may I offer this one more piece to you?»

Hearing her genuine offer Yuusuke opened his eyes to look at her. After awhile he said.
«Of course, it's my pleasure.»

Upon receiving his permission. Yui closed her eyes once again, after a deep inhale and exhale she released all the tenseness in her body and started playing a beautiful sound that reminded him of the grand sunset reflected on a townscape.

(The piece Yui plays here is called 'Arabesque No. 1 by Debussy')

Like that the two of them passed the time peacefully.
Around the same time basketball practice had ended for Yuusuke, football practice had also ended for Sae. The young prodigy had actually pondered on staying there longer however with a match incoming the whole team was advised to take it easy as to avoid any kind of injury.

Sae honestly doubt he could get any of those injuries but he figured he might get more out of it by practicing with his younger brother.

Although the team was good, they weren't quite up to par with the prodigy yet. In addition to that playing with his own brother was more fun in certain kind of way.
Of course there was one more reason. One which the young teen did not want to admit.

With that in mind the football boy took a quick shower before he got changed.

A gentle piano melody cascaded and filled the empty hallways like a trail of water. For a brief moment it seems to envelop the world in a gentle color. Even Yuusuke who had come here for a reason temporarily forgot what he had come for and just decided to indulge in the warm and soothing melody.

In his mind he felt himself carried safely towards a sunny forest. From aside a small river was glistening in the sunlight. The sound of laughter could be heard from a far. A light and warm bell like sound.
The feeling of sunlight on his skin melted into a soft tingle. A strangely pleasing feeling.

Not too long after, as if on instinct, Yuusuke was pulled out of his reverie. Subconsciously glancing out the window he could see a few seniors pass by.

𝐎𝐑𝐁𝚰𝐓, 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞.. [Blue Lock Sae x OC]Where stories live. Discover now