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TW: This chapter contains subjects such as: gun violence, torture (involving bugs and rodents), and death. If any of these subjects trigger you in any way, shape, form or fashion please exit or scroll past. Thank you! Enjoy! 😊


I don't remember exacly when I fell alseep, but I woke up in an empty hospital bed. Ambrose was in the chair in the corner of the room watching me. His legs are spread and his fist is holding up his head as he rests his elbow on the armrest of the chair. If I didn't know him, that would be creepy as hell. "Where are they?" I ask, my voice strained from stretching.

How long was I asleep?

"Eddie is checking all of Enzo's wounds, they just left. Mateo is eating upstairs with Asia and Demi." He says as he rises and strides to the bed before scooping me into his arms. "What are you doing?" I squeal.

He doesn't repond. We make it out of the medical wing and up the stairs to our room. He lays me down on the bed before stipping me out of my clothes. "I'm on my period." I remind him. His eyes never leave mine as he continues to undress me, however, his gaze isn't filled with lust, it's filled with love and something else I can't decypher.

Once I'm stripped, he leaves and enters the bathroom. After a while, Water can be heard running before he strides back into the room. His hand latches onto the buttons on his pants before undoing it and sliding his pants and underwear off and throwing them aside moving to his shirt.

When he's finished, he lifts me up and transfers me to the bathtub. The water is warm and there's rose petals and epsome salts in the tub making it smell and feel so good. His warm body appears behind me and he wraps his arms around my abdomen, applying the perfect amount of preasure.

"I've come up with a plan." He says suddenly. I wait for him to comtinue, knowing there's a "but" coming. "But we have to move it forward." He continues. That's not good at all. In situations like these, sooner is better. Time is of the essence.

"When was the orginal date?"

"In two days."

"And now?"

"...In a month"

A month!? We don't have a month. So much can happen within a month, and he knows this. "Why a month? We don't have a month." I ask frantically. "Baby, so much has happened. In a week little Enzo will be discharged, and recovering. Black expects us to attack soon after what just happened. He just declaired war, doing that shit to Enzo. The best time to get his men is when he doesn't expect it. Which is in a month. I promise everything will go okay."

I believe him, but I can't get rid of the feeling that something will go wrong. Maybe it's just me being paranoid or nervous. But the last time I got a feeling like this, I was kidnapped. I don't want to think about it much and stress myself out, so I lean myself back on Ambrose and let the water, soap and salts clense my skin.

Ambrose caresses my abdomen as he plasters kisses on my head, neck and shoulders. "I'm doing this because I thought it would be best. I understand you're not feeling to good about this, niether am I. But we won't get a better chance." He mumbles against my neck. "I know." I sigh.

Let's just hope things go well.


"Please. I didn't do anything wrong." I love when they beg. It makes me feel dominant. So dominant. "No sweetheart, you didn't. You just looked so gorgeous, I couldn't miss the oportunity to swipe you up." Her face instantly morphs from one of fear into one of disgust. "You disgusting peice of shit! I'm 12, you sicko!" She spits in my face. I chuckle as I wipe my hand with my thumb before bring it to my mouth.

His Greek Love | 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora