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This chapter contains subjects such as torture and mentions of rape/sexual assault. If these subjects offend or trigger you in any way, shape, form, or fashion please scroll past or exit the book. Thank you.

A/N: Sorry for the long chapter. It also contains lots of flashbacks and POV changes. Please Enjoy! :)


"Can we talk?" I am currently sitting at the kitchen island trying to get Regina to talk to me. She's making desserts for the twins' party in two days. Mrs. Remirez was helping until I walked in. "No." She responds. This is going to be harder than I thought. "Please. I want to hear your side. I don't want to believe Amber. I don't, but you're not giving me any reason not to. You won't talk to me. I'm giving you the chance to plead your case." I practically beg.

She stops and turns to me. Agony and hurt and anger lace her features. "What do you want me to say?" She almost shouts. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. "Anything you will tell me. I want to know it all." I say in a calm and collected voice. I avert my eyes from hers to the island top in front of me. I could hear her scoff and throw down a towel or whatever she was holding. "Why? Why now are you coming to me? Three. Weeks. Later?" Her voice cracks a little. I glance up at her seeing her on the verge of tears.

Fuck. Why? Why did I do this to her? Please don't cry over me, my love.

I hesitantly move around the island, but luck isn't on my side because she moves away from me with every step, I take toward her. "I wanted to give you time. Space. Like you asked. I wanted to think about what you said that night before you left. Now I want to hear your side of the story." I explain, hoping she'll just open up and tell me.

An irritated sigh escapes her lips before she decides to speak again. "So, you just want to clear your conscience?" Her voice came off as vulnerable. I haven't seen her this broken since high school. Since I found her. I want to put myself through the torture that she went through because at least it would be better than seeing and knowing that I did this to her.

"No. I want to know because I want to know what goes through your mind every day. I want to know how much I've hurt you. I want to know your pain. Even if it is just a fraction." I defend all the while I'm moving closer and closer to her. I don't think she's noticed and if she has, I don't think she cares anymore.

"It was a mission to kill this woman. I wasn't given much detail on who she was or why I was killing her. All I knew was that I was getting paid. That was enough for me. I didn't need the money, but I needed the power. I needed to keep my reputation to keep my kids safe." She lets out an angered sigh.

"I needed insight on what I was looking for, so I seduced a young girl," I freeze. Before I could think the worst, she continued. "She told me she was nineteen and was my target's friend. The closest thing to my target was her so I played along. Then, she dragged me off to the bathroom and when we were done, I knocked her out and killed her friend." Relief flows through me.

But why did Amber say she killed her?

She looks me over, probably reading me. "My... captor killed her. Not me." She whispers. It all makes sense now. Why she kept chanting that she didn't do it. How could I not believe her? What is wrong with me? "I'm so sorry. I should have let you tell your story. I have no excuse as to why I reacted the way I did. I understand If you don't want anything to do with me. I will respect your choices."

She gives me a silent nod and proceeds with what she was doing before. I take that as my cue to exit the kitchen, but before I can turn around, she speaks once more. "Don't think that for a second you could understand or feel the pain I have felt for these past years. Not even a fraction. I've rebuilt myself for so long, and all I needed was your trust. You broke me. And it will take time to glue the pieces back together. If you respect my choices like you say you do, then please respect my choice in not wanting to so you until their party." she says softly.

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