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I walked out of his office and headed back to the kitchen. When I arrived, I noticed five other people talking to the twins in the kitchen. Teo caught me and ran over to me, hugging my legs.

"Mamma. Where's my medicine? I'm still hungry." He said while looking up at me. "I'm going to go and get it soon. I promise. Can you hold out?" I ask, and he nods before dragging me back to the table they are all sitting at.

Three women and two men were at the table, all around the same age. Maybe a few years apart from each other.

One of the girls walked over to me and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Iris. Ambrose's sister." I took her hand for a firm shake.

"I'm-" she cut in before I could finish my sentence. "Regina Armstrong. I know. I love your work." I gave her a small smile, thanking her.

Iris was wonderful. She had long hip lengthy black hair and big green eyes. A dimple appeared on her left cheek when she smiled. She looked to be a little younger than me.

Next, a man with a similar build to Ambrose stood up and walked to me. "I'm Jay." I shook his hand, and he brushed past me toward Ambrose's office.

Jay was tall. He had dark skin and brown eyes. He was very handsome.

The other girl at the table stood up and came toward me. You could almost smell the attitude radiating off of her. "Listen here bitch, I don't know what you think your up to, but Ambrose is mine, so back off. You are just here because you have the information that he wants. You are not special here, and you will never be." she said with a snarky tone.

I smirked. "I don't know you, nor do I care what you are talking about. But, if you think I came here for that asshole, you have another thing coming. The dick kidnapped me. As for you, I honestly am not afraid of you. You can try to do whatever you want to, but if you touch me, I will kill you slowly. Am I understood, bitch?"

The others in the back looked at me with shock before standing up and cheering my name. The girl, on the other hand, was red with anger. She raised her hand to me, and just as she was about to slap me, a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Amber! What the hell are you doing?" Ambrose then comes from behind me. He grabbed her hands and pushed her away from us. "Unless you want your hand, I wouldn't recommend touching her." His voice was more like a harsh whisper. He was angry. Who is she to him?

He then looked at me, and his face slightly softened. "Are you ready?" I nod, and he strides out of the kitchen. "Good. Follow me." I say my goodbyes to the boys and tell them I will be back, then follow Ambrose to a garage.

The garage was filled with different cars. They were all either sports cars or just luxury SUVs. I had a similar car collection, so there wasn't much surprise by his. There was one car, though, that stood out to me: a matte red and black Audi R8.

The car was beautiful. The car's rims were black, and the tint was so dark that you could see your reflection without being able to see into the vehicle.

I gawked at the car for a good minute before Ambrose realized. "You like it? She's my baby. The love of my life. No one touches her." I didn't look at him. Instead, my eyes were glued to the beauty in front of me. "Yeah, it's my dream car. I've wanted one since I was ten years old. But in purple."

I look at him, only to see him staring at me. "What? Is something wrong?" He tilts his head to the side slightly in confusion. "No. Why would you think that?" A smirk grows on my face. "Because you're staring at me." He quickly looks away "No I wasn't." He says, before walking to a black Mercedes Benz. He opens the passenger side door for me to get in.

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