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I woke up in a bed I didn't recognize, in a room that wasn't mine. I'm not in my house anymore. So, where am I? My head is pounding as I sit up and look around to take in my surroundings. There is a window from ceiling to floor to the right of me and a chair sitting in front of the bed. There were high ceilings, and the room had a dark modern theme. It was cozy. I stand up and walk over to what I think is the exit to this room. When I turn the knob, it doesn't budge. It's locked. Great. I turn around to search the room I'm being held prisoner in. I need to find a way out.

There is a door leading to a bathroom. Stepping inside, I notice the room is fully stocked with hygiene products. A stack of towels lays lightly on a dark oak shelf. The glass doors of the shower glistened from the light above me. The bathtub was a grey marble and sat perfectly in the corner. The bathroom was gorgeous, but that didn't distract me from the fact that a mysterious man had kidnapped me. My boys could've been caught; my dad could be dead.

I stroll over to the sink and open the drawers and cabinets, looking for anything I could pick the lock with. After searching for a few minutes, I found nothing. Everything was plastic. There were no razors or chemicals I could use to burn the lock. The bathroom is a no go then.

Exiting the bathroom, I began to make my way to the door was most likely the closet, when I heard movement coming from the bedroom door. It suddenly opens, and a tall, handsome man stands in the doorway. He had brown curly hair and beautiful green eyes. His shoulders were broad, and his lips were full and attractive. He wore a white t-shirt and black Adidas sweatpants. A watch on his left wrist. The man looked like he had just finished working out.

"Where am I? Who the hell are you? What the hell do you want with me?" My questions came out with anger. He smirked and stepped into the room. "Sorry for not properly introducing myself sooner. My name is Ambrose Bazin, the leader of the Greek Mafia." I know I've heard the name Bazin somewhere before, but as I started to think about it, he continued speaking. "You are Regina Armstrong, also known as 'Shadow,' leader of the French Mafia. You have two boys, twins. Your mother died when you were five, and your father was on bed rest. Cancer. Did I miss anything, darling?" What did he mean by was on bed rest? He was just fine a few hours ago. "What do you mean 'was'? What happened to my father?"

"When we got to your home, he was already gone. Must've died in his sleep or something." His voice sounded unaffected. I couldn't look at him. Staring at my feet, I felt tears stream down my face, but I quickly wiped them away before he could see. I don't know what hurts more, my father's death or the fact that he may have my kids and hurt them or worse.

"Where are my kids?" my voice broke unintentionally. It was quiet for a while, and when I looked up at him, his eyes were glued to me. Concern was written all over his face. "Where are my fucking kids!" This time I shouted, growing impatient.

"They are fine. They've been here waiting for you to wake up." A wave of relief rushed over me, and I could finally relax a little. "Where is here exactly? And you still haven't told me what you wanted with me." I'll admit I did have an attitude, but you would, too, in a situation like this. Chuckles leave his mouth as he moves his sweaty figure toward me but stops a few feet away.

"This is my house. Don't worry your pretty little head. We're still in Ney York. I brought you here because you have some information that I need. And you and I have a common enemy. I have no intention to hurt you or your boys just so long as you cooperate with me." Was he negotiating with me about the information I probably don't even have? This could play out well, depending on who he's talking about. "What common enemy?"

Who would be hated so much that they managed to piss off the two strongest mafias in the world? "Info for Info. I get what I want, and so do you. Okay?" Sounds fair. I nodded in agreement, and he turned around and offered to escort me to my children.

His Greek Love | 18+Where stories live. Discover now