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"GET DOWN!!" I shout as a gun is aimed right at Regina's face. She ducks at my words as rapid shots ring out through the air. I run over to her on the ground hiding behind a car. "Are you okay?" She nods and jumps up from where she was to shoot back as I do the same.

"I think he just missed me. Are you okay?" She asks. I nod and continue shooting back at the assholes firing back at us.

Just as I think we have a fucking advantage against Dumb, all his goons Dumber, Dummy, and Dumbest hop out of the car and start shooting back. These guys are enormous. They're taller than me, stronger than me, uglier than me, dumber than me. I'm not trying to be cocky, but it's true.

Regina gets back down after seeing this and decides to get more cover. "Come on. Back to your car. It's bulletproof, no?" I look at her, a little shocked at how she would know that, but I quickly remember who she is. I nod, grab her hand, and lead her back to my car.

Once we are under the car's protection, she takes her phone out of her back pocket and makes a call. "Who are you calling?" She looks at me but doesn't say anything. A part of me trusts that she won't try anything but another part is still a little suspicious of her.

After letting the phone ring, someone finally picks up the phone. The voice is smooth and feminine but loud and powerful.


"DJ, we don't have time to socialize right now. We were just ambushed, and we need backup ASAP. I'll send you my location," she says as she does some typing on her phone. Then, after a few seconds, "Did you get it?"

"Yeah. I got it. The backup will be there in twenty minutes. That's the fastest I can do. Can you hold them off until then? Oh, who am I kidding? It's you were talking about here." At this point, her friend is just rambling. At the same time, we're being shot at as they speak.

"DJ, focus! Are we good?" Her friend confirms, and she thanks her and hangs up. "Who was that?" I ask her. She still doesn't answer me. Instead, she climbs into the back and pulls down the backseat, revealing the car's truck.

"Are you going to answer any of my questions, or will you ignore me the entire time? And what the hell are you doing?" She takes the bag from the trunk and closes it back up, climbing back in the front seat.

"You're so immature. She was one of the leaders of my security team and my best friend. We are outnumbered and outpowered. So I called for backup." She says, pulling out ammo and loading it into her gun, handing one to me when she's finished. I reload my pistol and put my finger on the door handle, ready to exit the car when suddenly, another blacked-out SUV comes speeding up to the gas station, and four-man with fully automatic weapons jump out and fight off the army.

I was disappointed when I didn't get into the action, but I'm glad everyone is safe now. When everything settles down, a man in all black walks up to my car and taps his gun on the driver's side window indicating for me to roll it down. I know he can't see through my tint, so I aim my gun at the man and cautiously roll down my window.

Upon seeing me, the man's demeanor changed, He tensed, and it looked as though he wanted to shit his pants. "We're good out here," he stated to Regina before briefly leaving. I roll up my window before looking over at her making sure she's okay. I quickly scan her, stopping once I see blood coming from her leg. "You were shot."

"I'm fine. It was nothing," she said, her speech slurring. She's not OK. Beads of sweat drip down her forehead; she's fighting to keep her eyes open; her breathing is starting to become unbalanced. Wasting no time, I pull out my phone and dial a number. The phone doesn't ring for long before someone picks up.

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