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We all head downstairs and I of course had to help Regina get down the stairs even though she could've just used the elevator. I think she forgot I had one. I don't blame her though, I forget I have it too.

We didn't even get halfway downstairs before we heard yelling and hysterical laughing. I carefully scurry down the stairs putting Regina down as we got to the first floor. "Sounds like Mrs. Remirez is here. I have a feeling you two will get along great." I said, walking to where all the commotion is, with Regina in tow.

"I want to hear it from you. Exactly how you said it to the poor girl!" Mrs. Remirez shouts at Ian. At this point, Mrs. Ramirez is standing behind a shirtless Ian with a shoe in hand ready to swing. "I said 'How long are you going to be staying here? No one wants you here, stealing jobs. Stay in a woman's pl-" Before he could say anymore, his mother's shoe collided with his back. Mrs. Ramirez kept hitting him as he fell to the ground and cried out in pain. Cris, on the other hand, is laughing her ass off in the back of the room.

I look back at Regina to see her trying to conceal her smile. Yet she doesn't let it slip. Turning my attention back to the show happening in front of me, Ian is now red and bruised from his mother's beatings, but she doesn't stop.

A few more moments later Cristian isn't moving. At this point, he's just lying there. I think this is my cue to get her off him. "Cris help me." It takes both of us to pull Mrs. Ramirez off of Ian finally.

This little old woman is more muscular than she seems. "Mom he's had enough. Look at him." Cris says still trying to hold her back while I help Ian off the floor. He's not knocked out which is good, but he did get what he fucking deserved. "IF YOU EVER SAY ANY SEXIST SHIT LIKE THAT AGAIN I WILL DO MORE THAN JUST BRUISE YOU!! DON'T YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING ELSE DISRESPECTFUL ABOUT A WOMAN EVER AGAIN!! IF YOU DISRESPECT THEM, YOU DISRESPECT ME! And you know what happens when you disrespect me! Do you understand me!?"

I love her so much. Can she adopt me?

All Ian does is nod. Nothing more, as I set him down on the couch. "Ah, you must be Regina. I've heard a lot of good things about you." Mrs. Remirez says, her mood completely changing as she walks up to Regina with her hand extended. Regina takes her hand, shaking it firmly. "I'm sorry about that. My son has no manners or respect. Please forgive me." Regina shakes her head. "That was a lot nicer than I would have done. No need to apologize. Also, I didn't quite catch your name."

Didn't I just say her name?

"Oh my goodness. I'm Elizabeth Carson Ramirez. But you can just call me Beth." I'm hurt. She told me, better yet, demanded that I call her Mrs. Remirez. She's been here for no longer than a week and she already has people wrapped around her finger.

Not me though. I know her mind games.

While they have their little conversation, I'm still trying to help Ian but, this bitch won't sit still. "If you don't stop fucking moving I'm gonna leave your bitch ass here," I say trying to keep him still while Cris tries to clean his wounds. Doc should be here soon.

The sound of little feet fills the room, making our heads turn. Mateo and Lorenzo come running in from god know where. They seem to be holding something in their hands. "Mom look what we made for you! We wanted to make you feel better and encourage you to make your leg feel better. We hope you like it." Mateo says as they both hold up the colored paper with drawings on them.

Regina walks up to the both of them and attempts to kneel but can't so she just pats their heads. "Thank you, guys. I love them. I'm going to hang them on my wall so I'll see them every night when I go to bed." She hugs them both and they run off to do whatever the hell seven-year-olds do.

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