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TW: This chapter contains subjects such as: strong mentions of domestic violence, torture (on a child), normal torture, and death. If any of these subjects trigger you in any way, shape, form or fashion please exit or scroll past. Thank you! Enjoy! 😊

A/N: Uhhmm. So Don't kill me. I don't know how long this chapter will be yet so if it's super long, I apologize in advance.


Finally. After months, we finally had a lead and that lead led us to more leads that led us here. "No fucking way." Ambrose says as he glances at my computer. We spent over 8 hours of the night researching and looking, and alas we have something.

I kind of want to cry. Black hasn't done anything to me directly, but he hurt my mother. He hurt Regina, and although I didn't like her at first, I was being genuine when I said that I was sorry. Because I truly am. I hadn't realized the severity of the torture she and my mom had to endure throughout their youth and when I finally knew, it filled me with emothions like rage and sympathy, but mostly regret.

I regret treating Regina and her friends the way I did. I was being a fucking baby, complaining and crying about how I didn't get any attention from my family. Like, I'm twenty-two acting like a five-year-old. Looking back on it, I cringe at how dumb and sexist I was being. They didn't deserve that. Not when they've gone through much worse than I have.

We didn't find Black himself, but we did find some of his high ranked men. It wasn't easy either. I had to dig through Government databases and not just FBI and CIA, but like the Pentagon level shit.

"So... what do we do now? We know where they are, but how do we get to them?" Jay asks. We're all pretty tired, but Jay is like two blinks away from being passed the fuck out. "For now, we rest. Recharge and then we can regroup later on. I'll come up with something. Good work, Ian." I nod in thanks before cleaning everything up and heading to my room.

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