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WARNING: This chapter contains subjects such as torture. If you feel uncomfortable reading anything of those sorts, please scroll past. Thank you! Happy reading!


As the dining room began to empty, my phone buzzed in my back right pocket. Upon pulling it out, I answer it and bring it to my ear, not bothering to look at the caller ID. "Talk to me," I command.

"Gina. There's something I think you should know," I recognize the voice of my brother. His voice was deep and naturally raspy.

"Yeah, Cristos. What is it? Is everything okay in France?" I question. He only calls me once a month to report updates on how things are going in France. And to check up on his nephews, of course.

"Everything's fine here, but I'm leaving tonight. There's some stuff we need to handle." He says in such a rushed tone that I could barely understand him.

What worried me wasn't his tone. It was his urgency. Cristos has always been a calm and well-put-together kind of person. He never rushed his work, and he was always very organized. So his behavior put me on high alert.

"Slow down. What's going on? Why are you so...energetic?" I skeptically ask. He's silent for a few beats, making me think that he's calming down. But his next words are what put me in a downward spiral.

"Mom. She's alive." He nearly whispers, but I can hear him very clearly.

For a moment, it feels like the whole world has stopped. Like it's just me in this gigantic ass house. My breathing stops, and my mind is racing through all the possibilities as to how this could be possible.

I went to Mom's funeral. I saw them lower her to the ground. My father cried, and I had never seen him cry before. We were all crying for weeks. Only to find out that she's alive.

Did she fake her death? Was she taken? Was she sold? Did she plan this whole thing? I have so many questions.

"Regina? Are you still there?" My brother's voice brings me back to reality. "Yeah. Yes, I'm here. Where are you going? Why do you have to leave France? And how long will you be gone?" I ask, avoiding the whole 'mom's alive' ordeal.

"I'm coming to see you. Asia said you weren't staying at home, though. Where are you? How's dad and the twins?" He still doesn't know. I never did tell him that Dad's dead. "The kids are fine. They like being here. They've made some new friends." I told him.
Even though we don't share the same dad, my father always treated Cristos as if he were his own. He ensured Cristos didn't feel like an outcast because his father left him.

My mother introduced them to each other when Cristos was only seven years old, and they both instantly got along. My parents had been in a relationship for a year or so beforehand. Then, when Cristos was 10, they had me. So, my mother never cheated on my father, they were madly in love, partners in crime. Quite literally.

Although Cristos knew my father wasn't his, he always loved him like a father. He still does. And when he finds out that he's dead, it will destroy him. Cristos is...sensitive. Not soft but sensitive.

"What about dad? How's he doing?" He asks. How do I tell him?

"H-he's gone. He went peacefully." I almost whisper.

Fuck. I need to sit down

"What do you mean 'he's gone?' When did this happen?" His attitude just went from frantic to angry.

"About a week ago. I just didn't know how to tell you. I'm so sorry." I tell him while reaching for a chair.

Once I'm seated, Cristos speaks up again. "I'm coming to you. Where are you?"

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