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TW: mentions/representations of rape or SA. If this subject offends or triggers you in any way, shape, form, or fashion please scroll past or exit the book. Thank you.

A/N: This is a bit of a longer chapter. Sorry 'bout that. But enjoy! :) 


I can feel him tossing and turning throughout the night. I know he can't sleep and I feel bad for sleeping without him, knowing what's going on in his head. I wish I could enter his mind and make all of those thoughts go away. But I can't.

He left a few minutes ago but as soon as he did, I just couldn't find it in me to go back to sleep. So I get up after him deciding that I'll join him in the office. Maybe I could help him work. I crawl out of bed with a bit of difficulty, considering the slight pain that courses through my lower half.

Damn. He really did a number on me.

After the pain somewhat subsides, I grab one of his hoodies and a pair of his boxers. They're way too big on me but I roll them up so they at least stay above the top of my ass. Exiting his room, I go downstairs to his office, when I hear a female voice.

Upon entering, I discover a woman, most likely Atlas, in all black standing before Ambrose who holds his gun behind his back. "Bébé, what's going on?" I ask. How did she get into the house without alerting the guards? Her eyes snap to me and once we make eye contact, I felt a sense of peace. Like I was at home.

"Gina?" Atlas says. How does she know my name? Who is this chick? I tilt my head in confusion. Her eyes begin to water and her hands start to shake."Remove the mask Atl-" Ambrose's calm tone is interrupted by her frantic, angry one.

"Don't call me that! That's not my name. Not the one I was born with, it was the one I was forced to wear. I am not Atlas. None of us are." She removes the mask and I swear I almost have a heart attack.

No. My eyes are playing tricks on me.

Her familiar eyes are still on mine as she confidently spews her next words. "Regina, my name is Aurelie Anders. I'm your half-sister." Everyone freezes. The energy in the room instantly becomes dark, and tense. So many thoughts run through my head and I can feel myself start to panic.

My breathing becomes rapid and my limbs start to numb. "A-ambrose." I rasp out the first name I could think of. His attention is now on me, and when his eyes lock on mine, worry fills them. Everything after that is a blur.

All that I remember is Ambrose's arms wrapped around me as he whispers encouragements and sweet nothings to me hoping it would calm me. Eventually, it did, but I was still freaked out. I have a half-sister? Do we share the same mother? Do we share the same dad? Does Cristos know? If he does, why didn't tell me?

My thoughts are broken when a hand comes into view. Ambrose squats in front of me with my anxiety meds in one hand and a glass of water in the other. "You haven't taken them in three weeks. Take 'em." He sternly says. His tone remains calming though.

I take the pills and water and down them both before opening my mouth and verifying that I swallowed them. He gives me an approving nod before turning his head to my, supposed sister. "Can you repeat and clarify what you mean by you're his half-sister?" Ambrose spits with a venom-laced tone. His tone completely changed from when he was talking to me. And that means a lot.

Aurelie takes a deep breath before starting. "I'll start by saying, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or give you a panic attack or anything. What I meant to say was that I'm Cristos' half-sister. I just called you my sister because I'm a really big fan of who you are and your work." I scoff at this.

His Greek Love | 18+Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin