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Madeline's POV:

I sat at the dinner with everyone else, but nothing seemed right. Elsa stands up and clinks her glass, "Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for us to bid farewell. But not before we toast the new owner of the show. Chester."

I guess the rumors are true, Elsa is selling this business. Everyone claps, but I did not. Chester, this new man off the block, is to be the new owner of our freak show.

Elsa, "I hope he will cherish these magnificent monsters as much as I have over these many years. Cheers." It was bottoms up for everyone else, but I continued to just remain in my seat, very still that I might've been mistaken for a marionette.

Chester stands up with a puppet of his own, "Um...Miss Elsa, you have given me the dream of a lifetime. I promise to uphold the standards of this extravaganza and do you proud. Safe travels to the land of make-believe." The puppet goes, "Good riddance. I can't wait for the sour kraut to leave, so we can take over." He says, "Marjorie. That's not..."

Elsa, "Thank you, Chester. And now, if you don't mind, it's time for the original family-our troupe of monsters and curiosities to spend these last few moments alone together."

He leaves, and Elsa continues, "We have another man to thank- my manager. Mr. Richard Spencer. He has transformed the course of all our lives. Cheers!" There is something about both Richard and Esmeralda that I do not trust, and I don't trust Chester either.

Elsa, "You will all be on television" she announces, "Very soon. On the Elsa Mars Hour. But first, tonight, we feast. And later, for entertainment, we will watch a movie."

I used to look forward to movie nights, but I don't anymore. This movie is to be from Elsa's very own collection. Suzie did not want to watch, 'The Sign of the Cro' again.

Elsa laughs as the thunder rumbles, "No. We will enjoy, 'Freaks.' Do you know that picture, Richard?" She asks him, "I can't say that I do" Paul, "It's a wonderful picture." Evie and Paul were put to the task of explaining the plot of the movie to Richard.

The film is set in a traveling freak show circus. A trapeze artist, like myself married the sideshow midget. She's trying to poison him for his inheritance. She plays all the freaks for fools until one day she gets drunk and reveals her true intentions.

The freaks turn on her with knives and guns. Richard yells, "It sounds like a hit!" Everyone laughs and smiles. Richard begins to leave, but Esmeralda insists that he stay, he opens a big present, and it turned out to be the head of a woman in a can.

That caused a huge controversy. He ended up on Elsa's big wheel. First knife, close to his head. Second one, in between his legs. I knew that this is the reality now, as they figured out about Richard.

They brought out knives, while he insisted that Elsa killed Ethel. Elsa told him to run, and he did. Out of the freak show. Into the rain. While the freaks ran out to get him, like murder him.

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