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Madeline's POV:

I walked up behind Jimmy, who was practicing his act, "Rehearsing?" He accidentally drops the little balls that he uses in his juggling act. "Yeah. After all these years, I still get stage fright."

I say, "Well, we haven't had a full house, and you have been here before me." Jimmy, "As long as I can remember" I say, "A local hero. Must be a change for you."

Jimmy, "Right now, I want to throw up" I saw, "Well, don't do that" We smile at each other, "I've always loved your smile." He holds out his arm, I take it, together we walk into the big circus performing tent.

Ethel sent Jimmy to go and look for Dell, but according to Desiree, he was not in their caravan. We then hear Jimmy yell, "Help! She needs a doctor! She's bleeding" it was Desiree, who was bleeding.

Ethel helped bring them back to their places, while we went to go up on the stage. We enter into the stage, "Salty and Pepper everyone!" I announce as the audience claps and they take their leave off of the stage.

I have two acts- my own, and then the one I share with Jimmy, "And now, for the grand lady herself...." I say, "Welcome to the stage..." in sync we announce, "Fraulein Elsa Mars!"

The audience cheers and claps, as Elsa begins her singing acts. But it was not to be her greatest performance, as the crowd began to boo her and throw stuff at her on stage. Jimmy had to get her off the stage as the curtain closes behind them.

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