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Madeline's POV:

I was sleeping beside Jimmy, as we did just have sex, "What's on your mind? It seems like we're a million miles away tonight" Jimmy, "The twins. The change of story. Made me look like a fool in front of everybody."

I say, "I wouldn't say confusion, but there's something weird going on around here" His eyes widen, "Yes. I don't know what, but it's got my head all screwed up."

We kiss, and he says, "Even in the moonlight, you are beautiful." I smile at him. I ask, "Why doesn't anything feel right anymore?" He says, "That rich boy, you should have seen the way he was looking at the twins." I say, "The clown?"

He says, "The second clown. Do you think you would recognize his voice of you heard it?" I say, "No. I wasn't there. Justice is justice" Jimmy, "If the rich kid did it, he has to pay."


Evie revealed to us that Dell attacked her, but she was the one who beat the shit out of him.

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