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giyuu sat in his bedroom, at his desk. he had been doing non-stop revision for hours now and his head was pounding. he has a test tomorrow and he can't miss it. it's important.

"what am i going to do..." the ravenette whispers, placing a hand on his forehead as he leans on his elbow.

he ignored all the pings coming through on his phone, the calls and other notification sounds he probably won't need to see.

everything was so much.


giyuu wakes up the next morning, completely missing his alarm. his sister bursts through the door, panting heavily.

"yuu! it's 7! you have to be at school!" the raven-haired woman calls.

giyuu groggily sits up, grunting at the aching pain on his upper back/lower neck.

"yeah, yeah..." giyuu mumbles.

tsutako sighs and walks back out, tutting at her younger brother and his habits.

"why won't you just look after yourself.." mumbled the woman.


giyuu walks into the school building, he was nearly an hour late. classes were just starting.

he wondered for a moment, but decided on skipping. he could go to nurse tamayo... he's her favourite anyway.

giyuu walks into tamayo's nurse office, groaning and placing a hand on his forehead.

"tomioka, are you alright? classes have just begun," the woman says, turning around on her spin chair.

"no... i have a bad headache, i don't think i'd be able to sit in class," giyuu lies.

tamayo huns in response. she nods her head, pointing over to a cushioned chair.

"go sit over there. i'll check your temperature in a minute hon," tamayo spoke. 

"thank you," giyuu responded.

the ravenette walks over to the chair,
slumping his body down onto the soft cushion. he felt himself dozing off already and he only just got here.

tamayo noticed and sighed. she's worried for the boy, he's always so tired and overworking himself - it's not healthy.

she takes herself over to the half-asleep male, pulling a chair up in front of him. she was like a mini friend-therapist.

"i know damn well you don't have a headache," she starts, "what's up?"

giyuu looks down, picking at the skin around his fingernails. should he tell the truth??

oh well.

"i just... i have a test third period today and completely forgot about revision. i've been so busy lately and i just.. have a lot going on. i was up nearly all night studying and fell asleep in my uniform, at my desk at like... 4am," giyuu explains.

tamayo nods. she doesn't interrupt, nor does she scold the boy, she simply listen's understandingly.

"okay. what's the name of the teacher whose test it is? maybe i can speak to them for you," tamayo states.

giyuu shakes his head.
"no, it's fine. it'll be unfair on other people - i'll be alright," giyuu retorts.

tanayo sighs it's closed eyes and shakes her head.
"okay... maybe you can take a nap through first period and i'll wake you up after. i think you have a free period second?" she starts, "sadly i can't let you sleep through that incase a teacher sees, so period 1 is all i can do."

giyuu feels himself tearing up at the kindness from the woman but stops himself. "th..thank you, miss," giyuu trembles.

tamayo nods understandingly. she stands up, tucking the chair back under the table by giyuu.

"lay down on one of the beds and take a nap, i'll wake you up in an hour," tamayo says.

giyuu nods and stands up. he pushes the chair back and walks over to a bed, laying down.

as soon as the boy's head hit the pillow, he was out cold.


giyuu was awoken by tamayo an hour later and he groans.

"it's passing period now, tomioka. i've given you a pack of tablets for your 'headache'," the woman quotes.

giyuu smiled at tamayo and nods in thanks.

he grabs his bag and walks to the door, placing his shaky, sweaty hand on the door nob.

"i've marked you in so teachers know where you've been!" tamayo calls before giyuu walks out.

giyuu is met with the sound of loud voices. he hates it. he hates crowds.

he barged through a bunch of people, being shoved into somebody he doesn't know a few times.

he spots a familiar-looking latter and speed walks over to the male.

sanemi hears the commotion behind him and spots giyuu, feeling relieved. the two give each other a signal and walk over to a quieter corner in another hallway.

as soon as the two were alone, sanemi instantly wraps his arms around sanemi.

"fuck... i was so worried when i didn't see you in science class." sanemi explains, pulling away from the hug and cupping giyuu's cheeks in his rough hands.

he notices the small eye bags under giyuu's blue orbs and frowns. the ravenette usually had eye bags, but they were never this noticeable.

"are you okay? you look...." sanemi says, drifting off at the end as he's unsure of how to explain it.

"dead? like a ghost?" giyuu finishes for him.

"yeah," sanemi chuckles.

"i'm alright. just tired."

sanemi frowns at the dry responses and un-cups giyuu's pale cheeks.

the boy was so worryingly pale.

"are you sure?? you really don't seem okay," sanemi states.

he wants his boyfriend to open up to him - communication is a key part in a relationship.

"i just-" giyuu was about to say, but he was cut off by his own sob.

sanemi quickly pulled the raven-haired boy into a hug after noticing the coming tears.

"okay, okay... shh, it's alright," the scarred male soothes. he caresses the back of giyuu's black-coloured hair, trying to calm the boy as best as he could.

sanemi wasn't really good at comfort.

"what's wrong? did something happen at home?" sanemi wonders, trying his best to get an answer out of giyuu.

after hearing the deafening silence and no response from his boyfriend, sanemi sighs again. he unwraps his arms from around giyuu's body and stares deep into the other male's eyes.

"tell me what's wrong otherwise i can't help," sanemi pleads.

giyuu finally gives in after a few more moments of sanemi begging and he fiddles with the hem of his shirt.

he explains everything to sanemi that he told tamayo, adding in a few more... personal details that he doesn't want a teacher to know that sanemi already knows about.

the whole time, sanemi was so supportive and accepting about it, not judging the ravenette for a single second.


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