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Requested by AveryRulezz , hope you enjoy this!!




Sanemi walked out of the school gates, next to his boyfriend (Giyuu). He was deep in thought. Giyuu wasn't showing much affection toward Sanemi and it made the latter grow worried for their relationship. He shows plenty of love and care to Giyuu, so he was confused.

"Nemi?" Giyuu suddenly asked. Sanemi perks his head up and looks to the side at the raven-haired.

"Yes love, are you alright?" Sanemi replies.

"Yeah.. are you? You seem deep in thought," Giyuu mentions.

Sanemi sighs deeply. He wasn't one to express his emotions and he didn't want to burden Giyuu. The raven-haired has his own problems to deal with.

"Yes. I'm fine, thanks for worrying," Sanemi bluntly replies.

Giyuu felt someone pat his head and he turned around to see Mitsuri. She smiled at him and started to speak.

"Giyuu! Before you leave, I wanted to see if you and Shinazugawa were free this weekend!" She states.

Giyuu softly smiles at the pink and green-haired girl and she smiles back.

Sanemi was confused. Giyuu rarely smiles around him, so why was he smiling at Mitsuri? He's had this question circling his mind for a few days. He's bad when it comes to overthinking small issues.

"Yay! I'll let the others know and then message you the details! Bye Giyuu!" Mitsuri chirped. She wraps her small arms around Giyuu's waist and hugs him. Sanemi feels jealousy bubbling up inside him and he holds back the tears threatening to come through. Giyuu barely ever shows affection towards him, they barely even hold hands.

"U-Um... thank you, Mitsuri. Y-You're free to leave now," Giyuu says after he pulls out of the hug. He seems almost.. uncomfortable.

"Come one, Nemi, I'm hungry," Giyuu complains, walking ahead of the latter.

Sanemi follows swiftly behind th raven-haired, not daring to peep his head up.

(A/N: the angst is coming soon, I promise😭)

The two were now watching tv and it was 7pm. They've had dinner, and they thought a movie would be nice to relax before sleeping later.

Giyuu was sat, not far, but not close to Sanemi. The latter had tried to hold hands with the raven-haired multiple times, Giyuu just places his hands under his thighs or on his lap each time.

Sanemi felt that stinging feeling in his chest again, like he wanted to cry.

He grabbed the remote, pausing the movie. Giyuu frowns, turning toward the latter.

He stopped frowning when he saw the tears threatening to spill from Sanemi's eyes and the hurt look on his face. Giyuu opens his mouth slightly, unsure on what to say.

"Are you... alright?" The raven-haired asks. He really didn't know what was wrong with his boyfriend.

Sanemi scoffed at the statement. A statement he hears a lot.

"Is that all you know what to say?" He asks in a snappy tone. Of course, he didn't mean to be showing this attitude, but he was hurt.

"Pardon?.." Giyuu replies, the same frown from a moment ago forming onto his face again.

"All you ever ask is if I'm alright. You never seem to wonder why I might be upset!" Sanemi snaps.

Giyuu gulps, fidgeting with his fingers. "U-Um... Why are you crying?" Giyuu shakily asks.

"You seriously don't know?!"

"I don't—"

"You never seem to be comfortable doing ANYTHING around me! I go to hold your hand, you back away or move your hand away. I go to hug you, but you don't hug me back and keep your hands clenched at your side. I always smile at you, but you never seem to smile back! When Kanroji came up to you earlier and smiled at her. Why don't you act this way around me!?" Sanemi yells.

He sounded angry, but he honestly wasn't. He was upset, worried and a little scared. He knew Giyuu was loyal, he trusted him, but now that trust was slowly fading away.

"I'm sorry." What all Giyuu manages to say. Sanemi stares at the raven-haired in shock and a little hurt.

"You're sorry?" The latter asked, "you're not going to explain why you've been acting this way??"

Giyuu gulped, picking at the skin around his nails. He was nervous. Not because he had been caught of cheating, god no, he loved Sanemi. He just had troubles expressing it.

"I-... don't know why my body reacts like that when you try and touch me. I see Mitsuri as a sister and-... I guess I-"

"But I'm your boyfriend! You should let me hug you, touch you, KISS you!" Sanemi snaps, causing Giyuu to stop what he was saying.

"I know! I'm so-"

"I can't do thi-" Sanemi interrupts himself with his own sigh. "I have to have some time by myself, Giyuu. You can go home tonight or stay, I don't care."

Sanemi walks off, heading up to his bedroom. Giyuu's face instantly drops and he realises how much he's hurt sanemi.

Of course it's not the raven-haired male's fault for feeling this way, but it's his fault he hasn't realised how much pain he's caused his boyfriend for not opening up about it.

Sanemi steps into his room. He slams the door shut, instantly breaking down into the tears he's been holding for the whole day. He slides his tired body down the back of his door, sitting on the ground with his knees to his chest. He sobs into his knees, gripping his hair in agony.

He just didn't understand why Giyuu wouldn't open up to him. It was so worrying and frustrating, Sanemi was clueless.


Anyway, dk how I feel about this... I was honestly running off of nothing and just trusting my hands to type smth up because I was going NO WHERE with this 😭 I'm honestly terrible at angst so.. I hope you like it anyway! <3

Bye lovelies 💞

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