"... Where's Charlie?" Max asked as he looked at husk and angel, his eyes reverting back to normal "in her office, something wrong toots?" Angel asked, but Max wouldn't respond as he quickly ran off to the morningstar's office. More images of his family and friends would flash in his mind as he ran down the hall, hearing sunny scream in agony as loona spoke to Octavia, his coin laying on a table with other weapons of imp... Something was wrong, and he needed to hurry.

Max would burst into Charlie's room, catching her off guard as she looked up from her phone "oh hey max, what's u-" "CharlieIdon'thavetimetoexplainrightnowbutIhaveaterriblesensethatmyfriendsarebeingtorturedandifIdon'tdosomethingthey'regoingtodie!" Max would rent at the speed of light, tripping over his own words as panic soaked into him like a sponge. "Whoah slow down! What do you need?" Charlie got up and put her hands on his shoulders, prompting Max to take a deep breath "if I don't get up to the human world in time my friends are all going to die.." Max said, worried.

"Hm... I'll give you an hour, once the hour is up I call you back to the hotel, got it?" Charlie said "I'm breaking the rules of My Father here, but if what you're saying is true then I want to help". "Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Max jumped up and down "now get me up there!"

-earth, D.H.O.R.K HQ -

-a few minutes earlier-

Loona and the imp gang, minus blitz, would wake up, all tied to chairs in the center of the interrogation room moxxie and blitz were once trapped in. "Great...not again ...Millie! Loona! Sunny! you guys okay?" Moxxie yelled out"we're fine, Mox and via's here too" Millie responded as via spoke up "shit...you guys alright?..". "We're fine to an extent, but we were trying to rescue you before we were hit with that sleep gas!" Loona struggled in her chair "thanks...but you didn't have too.." Octavia looked at the floor. "Don't be like this sis, your family to us and we've all already lost enough, we don't need to lose you too" loona attempted to look over at Octavia.

"I know it's just... I can't stop thinking about Max... he was always by my side for everything that happened to me, but now he's gone... And I wish he were here.." Octavia sniffled "I know via, I miss him a bit too, we all do. Sure we might have not talked much, but he was nice, and I'm glad you got to know him. And if he were here now, I'm sure he'd be telling us to all keep our chins up... Yours especially" loona spoke gently as she looked at the ground as moxxie and Millie listened in.

"Hate to ruin the moment, but is sunny even here?" Millie spoke up, causing panic to stir "... Where's my brother?" Loona panicked "they must have moved him to another room... But why?" Moxxie asked.

Inside of said room would be sunny, tied down to a table surrounded by tools and machinery as if he was prepped for surgery. "What the hell is this?!" Sunny would struggle, but failed to escape as agent 2 walked in, cackling like the witch she is. "I got to say! this is one heck of surprise! seeing you here..". "Who the fuck are you?" Sunny tilted his head a bit "it doesn't matter who I am, this is all about you.." agent 2 responded.

"What about me?" Sunny asked "your genetics match the files of another creation of mine... That means you belong to me.." agent 2 would crack an evil grin. "Creation? What in heaven's name are you talking about?! Let me out of here before I rip your face off you fucking witch!" Sunny growled at her as he struggled with his bindings "oh you sound so much like it...agent 1, bringing agent 3 to explain to this young specimen what we're talking about.." Karen smiled as she spoke into her ear piece.

After a moment agents one and another agent would drag Rick in, who was tied up in a chair and looked highly beaten, though his face had a look of guilt. "Huh?.." Sunny would look at Max's father confused "I'm sorry sunny, I'm responsible for this....all of this... For you and your father" Rick looked down at the ground. "What did you do with blitz?.." Sunny's voice cracked a little "elaborate for the bunny please!" Agent 2 yelled at Rick "I was getting there you poor excuse for a MIB agent!" Rick snapped, before sighing and cooling off "I can't believe I dated that woman...". "I don't mean blitz, sunny, I promise you he has no involvement in this... I'm talking about your biological father, your real father..."

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