Chapter Fourty-Seven

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Wedding Day

Third POV

Most people got nervous on their wedding day either because of cold feet or walking down an aisle in front of people.

But Lando and Katherine they weren't nervous, not one bit. Everything was falling in place for the couple. They were surrounded by everyone they loved and were about to marry each other. What did they have to be nervous about.

They both knew that none of them would get cold feet they couldn't wait to marry each other.

"Katherine," Lando says, knocking on the door.

"You're not allowed in Lan,"

"I know, baby. I just wanted to give you something," The blonde walks to the door and opens it slightly, making sure her body and dress were hidden. Landos hand slipped through and hands her a box.

"You're something new," he says.

"Thank you,"

"I'll see you out there,"

"I can't wait," she smiled. The man left, and she shut the door, walking over to the seat by the window and opening the box.

Inside was a diamond bracelet engraved on the back was the word Norris she smiled as she slipped it on. Her something borrowed was resting in her hair. Cisca had given her a clip she had used when she got married to Adam. Her something old rest around her neck along with the necklace Lando had gifted her at Christmas. The necklace belonged to her grandmother, which Jenson had given to her. Her something blue was her garter. Kika had got it specially made for her.

"Katherine," she looked at the door her father walked in.

"Are you ready?"

"Im ready," he smiles, nodding and holding out his arm. He walked her to the doors, and she watched as the bridesmaids walk first.

Jenson looked down at his daughter.

"Will you give me one second?"

"Right now," he nodded. She was about to speak, but he had disappeared through the door.

Head flew to him as he wasn't with his daughter. Lando began to panic tahr she did have second thoughts, and that was until Jenson stopped at Christian.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm here to get you,"

"What why, weres Katherine,"

"She's through those doors waiting for me to walk her down the aisle,"

"So why aren't you,"

"Because you also need to walk her down the aisle," Christian looked at him as if he had two heads.

"You want me to walk her down?"

"Along with me, yes," Jenson says. "You are like a father to her, so what better than having bother her fathers walking her down the aisle," Geri smiled next to the man as he stood up.

"Then let's get her married,"

"Dad, what," Katherine stops when she sees Christian walk behind him.

"I needed to get him," Jenson holds his arm out, which she takes. Christian is doing the same she smiles, taking his arm too.

"I couldn't have him sit and watch,"

"I'm glad this is perfect," the song starts, and they both look down at her.

"Are we ready,"

"Let's do this,"

Lando looked at her as she walked down to him. He had never seen someone so beautiful his heart was racing he wiped the tear that had fallen. He shakes both of the mens hands and then takes hers into his.


"And now for the vows, I am told you have written your own," the couple nods.

Katherine was the one to start her hands were shaking, but Lando held them, which calmed her.

"Lando," she starts. "I never expected to be standing here with you in front of me. Our story didn't start like many other couples to say we hated each other over a year ago to us getting married and having a child together wasn't something I expected but I'm glad it happened. You have been there for me in more way than one. You helped me through a hard time in my life, and I honestly don't think I would have been able to pull myself up if I hadn't had you holding my hand. I thought I knew what love was, but in reality, I didn't, not until I fell in love with you. You showed me what love should really be like, and you have made me feel loved every single day. I can't wait to see what the future holds," Lando smiled ear to ear at the girl wiping her tears away as it was now his turn.

"I never thought I'd get married or even fall in love for that matter. Everyone knows that it wasn't in the cards for me, not until you. I might not be proud of what my old lifestyle was, but if one good thing came out of it, it's you. You taught me that I can be loved and that I can love you and showed me that it was so much more than I had ever expected it to be. I can't explain to you how much I love you but I promise I will try every day to show you. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I don't know we're I would be today without you. I never thought that I would fall in love with my rival, but damn what a plot twist you were and the best kind."

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Norris you may kiss the bride," Landk launches forward taking her lips in his as everyone clap.

Mr and Mrs Norris had a ring to it.

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