Chapter Eighteen

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Spa Grand Prix Week

Katherine POV

"Max, where are you?"

"On my way, are you on the jet?"

"Yes, I have been for the past 30 minutes,"

"Might be a slight problem," he whispers.

"What would that be?" I ask,"Max?"

"You know, even when you whisper, I can still hear you,"

"Please tell me you haven't invited Lando,"

"I didn't invite him. I just said he could fly with us,'


"What we are all going to the same place,"

"I promise to not talk the whole flight,' I hear Lando say.

"Or breath," I add.

"Did she just say or breath?"


"Yes, I did now hurry up," I say, hanging up the phone.

I'm revoking the best friend status from Maxs name.


"See, we didn't even take that long," Max says, taking a seat. Lando is close behind him.

"You're 45 minutes late,"

"Quit your moaning. You could have flown with someone else,"

"I was you told me not too,"

I kept catching Lando looking over to me. Luckily, the flight wasn't that long.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Max says. Standing up, he looks at Lando, and Lando nods.



"How've you been,"

"What do you want?"

"Just to talk," he takes the seat in front of me.

"I told you I didn't want to talk," he sighs, moving back to his seat.


"Are there no other rooms available?" I ask. The clerk shakes his head.

"All the other rooms have been booked. You could always ask another one of the guest your travelling with if they would swap for the room next to Mr Norris,"

"Thank you for your help," I take my key and walk over to Max.

"Switch rooms with me,"


"Max, come on, I have to live next to him. I don't want to be in the room next to him here,"

"No, I'm not switching. I guess you have to stay next to him," he sings, grabbing his luggage and walking away."You coming," I huff, grabbing my things, following him into the elevator.

"I hate you," I say when the elevator doors open to my floor.

"You love me," I stick my middle finger up at him, making my way to my room.


"Katherine?" I hear Landos voice come from the other side.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?'I say opening the door.

"Because apparently I'm shit at staying away from you," he pushes his way inside.

"What do you think you're doing? I didn't invite you in,"

"I frankly couldn't care less," he says, "were talking,"

"I don't want to talk,"

"Then just fucking listen," he says. "Just stop fighting and give me 5 minutes,"

"You better start talking then," I say, sitting down.

"I didn't kiss her she kissed me," I roll my eyes.

"Cause that's so much better?"

"I'm going to say this once, and I'm going to say it nicely shut up and let me speak," I close my mouth.

"I was at the club with Max and Oliver, all night I was telling them about you, Gabrielle came over to me at the club she was completely out of it I was telling her to go home but she kept flirting with me," I bite the inside of my cheek "she was touching me i kept looking at Max because I was uncomfortable. Oliver said we should get her home she was so out of it, and it wasn't just because of her drinking she was on something else. I told them I'd get her outside and that they should meet me. I walked her to the car, and that's when she kissed me. I pushed her off right away, and I got her into the car," My breathing was shaky."What the pictures don't show is Max and Oliber getting in the car with us," he leans down, taking my hands in his "I swear to you I didn't kiss her that I pulled away all I was thinking about was you the entire time I was in London,"

"I feel like a idiot," he shakes his head. "I should have let you explain,"

"I understand why you didn't," he takes my cheeks into his hands. "I'd never hurt you like that, Kat," I opened my mouth to say something, but her hushes me. "I wouldn't hurt you like that because I am in love with you,"


"I'm in love with you, Katherine Rose Button," I smile

"I'm in love with you too," he smashes our lips together the both of us smiling through the kiss.

"I'm taking you out tonight," he says as he pulls away. "Dress nice. I've had this planned for a few weeks."

"What if I said I didn't want to hear what you had to say?"

"I knew you wouldn't. I also had to hope you wouldn't because this took a lot of planning,"

"I'll be there," he kisses me one last time before leaving.

Lando norris was in love with me, and I was in love with him. What a plot twist that was.

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