Chapter Twenty

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Spa Grand Prix Week

Lando POV

"Marcus, I am here to tell you that I have a girlfriend, " I say, walking into his office.

"You have a girlfriend?" He says unsure.

"Don't make it sound like that,"

"I'm sorry, but you've never had a girlfriend," he looks at me, then smiles. "Please tell me it's Katherine,"

"It's Katherine,"

"I'm happy for you," I smile at him. "She must be something she's got you smiling. Has she really cracked your hard interior?'

"I can still fire you,"

"But you won't because I'm too good at my job," I roll my eyes at him.

"That's up for debate. I'll see you later," he nods, and I walk out, shutting his door.

I turn the corner seeing Katherine and Jenson together. I turn back and hide around the corner.

"You're no longer my manager. You don't have a say in any of these matters," she raises her voice slightly.

"Red Bull has never been the right choice for you, Mercedes want you, meet with Toto,"

"God, can you just get it in your head thst I belong at Red Bull? I don't care about your differences with Christian."

"Christian isn't a good man," she laughs.

"Christian is a better man than you are."

"You don't mean that,"

"But I do, he believes in me no matter what team I'm in, he's there for me for fuck sake he knows more about me then you do,"

"Don't you dare swear at me," he raises his voice I look around and see him hold of her arm "Christian is only using you to get to me,"

"I suggest you get your hands off her," I say making my way over to them.

"Excuse me?'

"You're excused now. Get your hands off her,"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Lando Norris world champion, and who are you?" He releases Kats' arm.

"Jenson Button,"

"Katherine's dad," he frowns.

"Mainly known as F1 champion," I frown at him.

"Oh right, you won that one season, didn't you? God, until you said it, I only knew you from being Katherine Buttons' father," I see Kat smile,"you know since she's the better driver," he scoffs.

"You should know your place, son,"

"I do my place is next to her in person and on the championship board. I mean, if you ask anyone who Button is, they'll say her name. I mean, she has had more wins in the past year than you have your whole career," he turns to Kat.

"Think about what I said, but now I see the company you keep. I guess I know why you're with Red Bull," she rolls her eyes at him, and he walks away.

"I'm sorry," I say turning to her "I shouldn't have butted in but I couldn't watch him shout at you and then when he gripped your arm," she cuts me off by kissing me.

"Thank you, I've never had anyone stick up for me like that to him before other than Christian, but I think that's more for him than for me,"

"I'll stick up for you anytime even though you don't really need it,"

"I might have had him handled, but I'm glad you put him in his place the look on his face,"

"He spoke to Mercedes about you?" She nods.

"Red Bull and Mercedes both wanted me last year, but I knew which one I wanted my dad wanted me to pick Mercedes if I wasn't going to pick Williams and him. Apparently him and Toto have been talking, and they want to sign me for next season,"

"For whose seat?"

"I don't know both Lewis and Daniels contract are up this year. Lewis has been with them for years, and we know what Toto and Lewis are like, but this race Daniel has done more than outshine Lewis,'

"You're not wrong there,"

"He said they aren't looking for anyone, only me. I mean, I don't want to go to them or leave Red Bull, but even if I did, that would mean someone losing their seat,"

"Red Bull is made for you," she smiles at me. "Max and you are probably one of the best duos other than me and Carlos and me and Danny,'she whacks me.

"Fine, you're the best duo on the grid," I admit.

"Oh, I know we are,"

"That's only because you've been best friends pretty much since karting,"

"And we've always had a rivalry since karting too,"

"That was your fault," she shakes her head.

"As Charles Leclerc would say nothing, just an inchident," I laugh.

"What is it with you quoting Charles,"

"He says a lot of stupid and funny shit," Max walks over with Daniel.

"Hello, lovebirds,"

"Hello, Dutch man," she says

"Oh, look, Kat," Daniel points over to Netflix, which were walking over. "You going to run from them this season?"

"I only ran from them last season because they tried to make me look like a villain, " Max laughs, "and that's your fault. Mr I don't do Netflix,"

"I'm doing Netflix now. You're the one who forced me,"

"And so am I, I had my first interview with them in Australia,"

"You did?" I ask she nods.

"Yeah, I think it went great,"

"Famous last words," Max says

"No matter how bad they try to make you look, you'll always be the golden girl of the grid," Daniel says

"Is that because im the only girl?'he shakes his head.

"No because you have a heart of gold literally,'

"He's not wrong,"

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