Chapter Fourty-One

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Katherine POV

"Okay, let's get you home," Lando says he had made his way to the hospital after his race so he could settle me into out home before having to head back. "I really hate leaving you,"

"It's okay, baby. You'll see me proper next week,"

"Travelling without you sucks I don't know how I managed before," he pulls up to the house, helping me out of the car and into the wheelchair.

"Is it really that boring without me?"

"Yes, Charles and Carlos won't leave me alone,"

"And you're complaining,"

"Yes, you had Charles. I had Carlos I can't handle then both together,"

"You'll manage," he opens the door to our apartment and frowns.

"What the fuck are you doing," Max turns to us.

"Moving in,"

"Yeah, for three months, not for life," Lando says, walking over to the bags.

"We don't know how long my recovery may take could be months could be years,"

"Max Emilian Verstappen," Lando says as he looks into the guest room. "Why are there bunk beds,"

"For me and Kat," he smiles, causing me to smile too.

"For you and Kat?" He nods."Katherine has a room,"

"You forbid me from sleeping in there, so I came up with a solution,"

"I can't win," lando shakes his head

"I've always wanted bunk beds," Lando looks at me. "Sorry," I say, trying not to smile.

"Come on, Lando, we can also sleep on the bunk bed when you've had enough of Kat," lando smiles at him.

"Oh, so now it's a good idea?'

"I'm going to have to live with it,"


Lando had left for the next race, leaving me and Max alone in the apartment.

"I didn't want to tell him that my sim is in his 'man cave'. I think he'd kill me,"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him,"

"No, he'll just hurt me when he gets back,"


"Katherine," I hear Max say, "Are you asleep?"

"Not anymore,"

"Don't lie. You weren't asleep anyway,"

"How would you know?" He pops his head out from the top bunk.

"You breath differently when you sleep,"

"It's so strange that you know that,"

"I can't sleep,"

"I can't either," I hear him start to move.

"I'm coming down," he says. "This was a bad idea with a broken arm and ribs,"

"I told you we should have just slept in mine and Landos' room,"

"He forbid it,"

"He was joking," Max finally gets outt the top bunk and holds his hand out.

"Come on, let's go into the other room," I nod, taking his hand and slowly getting out of bed. We make our way to my room, and he sorts the bed out, putting a pillow Fort in the middle.

"This should do,"

"Max, you sleep on the edge. You didn't even need to do that,"

"Yeah, I know, but I'm respecting Lando," I smile as I sit down on the bed, pulling the sheet over me.

"I'm sure you and Lando cuddle,"

"We do, but our relationship is different than mine and his,"

"Shut up and go to sleep,"

"I've not had my bedtime story or been tucked in,"

"Does Kelly do that for you as well as P?"

"Yes, she does, actually," he jokes.

"Ring her then,"

"You're no fun,"

"I'm plenty fun, Maxie,"

"I hate you,"

"I love you too,"


"I think we need to break up," Max turns to me in shock.

"I can't believe you've just said that,"

"You don't make a cup of tea like that,"

"I don't care how you make it. This is how I make it," I frown as he pours milk onto the teabag.

"I feel like gagging,"

"Save that for Lando,"

"That should be illegal Max, you can't come into my home and make a cup of tea that way,"

"There is nothing wrong with it,"

"You're joking, right? Please tell me you are," the door opens, and we turn towards it.

"What are you two arguing about?" Lando asks Charles and Danny, walking in behind him.

"Have you seen what he's doing?" I point.

"Are you making tea?" Daniel asks.

"Yes, I am."

"Oh, I agree, Kat, it's just wrong," Daniel says.

"What's wrong?" Chalres and Lando ask, so I fill them in.

"I don't think we can be friends anymore," Lando says. Max just rolls his eyes at us, calling us all dramatic.

Lando wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"Missed you,"

"Do I get a kiss?" Max asks.

"Nope, that's for us when we are alone." Lando winks

"You two share the bunk beds,"

"You have bunk beds," Charles asks excitedly

"Great, now he's gonna want to stay." I hit Lando.

"And what if I did Kats the boss you have no say,"

"I'm the boss," Lando says. I laugh.

"Keep thinking that,"

"We are never going to be alone again," he sighs falling onto the sofa

"How dramatic," Daniel says falling on top of him.

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